cupped - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of cupped in Hindi

  • क्यूप्ड

cupped Definition


  • form (one's hand or hands) into the curved shape of a cup.
  • bleed (someone) by using a glass in which a partial vacuum is formed by heating.

cupped Example

  • He quietly stood and cupped her face with his hand. ( वह चुपचाप खड़ा हो गया और उसके चेहरे को अपने हाथ से सहलाया। )
  • Darkyn cupped her cheek with one hand, the cool energy spreading as his thumb rubbed her cheek lightly. ( डार्किन ने एक हाथ से अपने गाल को सहलाया, जैसे ही उसके अंगूठे ने उसके गाल को हल्के से सहलाया, ठंडी ऊर्जा फैल गई। )
  • He cupped her face with his hands. ( उसने उसके चेहरे को अपने हाथों से सहलाया। )
  • She rested her elbows on the table and cupped her chin in her hands, staring out into the night. ( उसने अपनी कोहनियों को मेज़ पर टिका दिया और अपनी ठुड्डी को अपने हाथों में दबा लिया और रात को बाहर देखती रही। )

More Sentence

  • He cupped his hands and took a draught from the spring, pretending to chew it as it went down.
  • It dragged itself into a doorway, his hand cupped over the open fist-sized wound in his side.
  • He looked at the smooth little hands cupped in the shallow pockets of her white flannel Norfolk.
  • Captain Kerissen lighted a cigarette; over his cupped hands his eyes followed hers searchingly.
  • Before anyone saw me, I cupped my hand, and fired the gas tank of the nearest police cruiser.
  • The Lone Ranger held cupped hands close to his face, as if in the act of lighting a pipe.
  • Jimmy's neighbor had cupped his hand behind his ear and was evidently disappointed.
  • Their nests are rather larger and more deeply cupped than are those of the last species and the eggs can easily be distinguished.
  • He straightened a moment and then slowly leaned against the wall beside her, his chin cupped in his hand.
  • He cupped her chin.
  • He cupped her face and wiped a tear with his thumb.
  • Bordeaux cupped a hand over its muzzle, silencing the horse.
  • He cupped her face in his hands.
  • She cupped his face with her hands.
  • Cupped in his hand was a tiny black kitten, its eyes still closed.
  • She cupped Tammy's chin in her hand.
  • Sam cupped her chin in his palm.
  • He cupped my chin with his hand.
  • Ronan cupped his hands together.
  • I cupped her face with my hands.
  • He cupped his hand over her breast.
  • He cupped my face with both hands.
  • Without delay, I cupped his face.
  • Jannie cupped a hand around her ear.
  • As he cupped his hands to ease his.
  • He cupped her face in his hands and.
  • Libuse cupped the thread in her hands.
  • The six ladies-in-waiting of the Dean for Sheriff brigade cupped their hands and booed the competition, to the delight of the crowd.
  • He cupped her face in his hands and brushed her lips lightly with his own.
  • He gazed into her eyes and cupped her chin.
  • He cupped one of her cold cheeks in his hand, wanting to warm her up in whatever way it took.