chart - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of chart in Hindi

  • चार्ट
  • मानचित्र
  • लेखा
  • रेखा-चित्र
  • लेखा-चित्र
  • नक़्शा
  • सारणी
  • समुद्र के आस पास नक्सा बनाना
  • चित्र


  • मानचित्र बनाना
  • लेखा-चित्र बनाना
  • रेखा-चित्र बनाना

chart Definition


  • a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram. ( तालिका, ग्राफ़ या आरेख के रूप में जानकारी की एक शीट। )


  • make a map of (an area). ( (एक क्षेत्र में) का नक्शा बनाएं। )
  • (of a record) enter the weekly music charts at a particular position. ( (एक रिकॉर्ड के) एक विशेष स्थिति में साप्ताहिक संगीत चार्ट दर्ज करें। )

chart Example

  • A coding error may have resulted from misinterpretation of the patient's chart . ( रोगी के चार्ट की गलत व्याख्या के परिणामस्वरूप कोडिंग त्रुटि हो सकती है। )
  • And by far the best way to enjoy it is to hire a cabin cruiser and chart a course along its winding length. ( और अब तक इसका आनंद लेने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका एक केबिन क्रूजर को किराए पर लेना और इसकी घुमावदार लंबाई के साथ एक कोर्स को चार्ट करना है। )
  • It is essential that the volume be exact and that this volume is recorded in the patient's chart . ( यह आवश्यक है कि मात्रा सटीक हो और यह मात्रा रोगी के चार्ट में दर्ज हो। )
  • He also learnt about cartographic techniques, that is the ability to go and chart coasts of new lands. ( उन्होंने कार्टोग्राफिक तकनीकों के बारे में भी सीखा, जो नई भूमि के तटों पर जाने और चार्ट बनाने की क्षमता है। )

More Sentence

  • Federal investigators are scouring records to chart the life of the animal and others in its birth herd for evidence that they may have consumed contaminated feed.
  • Tipperary man Henry Kellett was the first European to sight and chart the Siberian coast.
  • Her surname suits, because you'll need an atlas to chart her background.
  • The nurse greets the patient and after reviewing the patient's chart , performs an assessment.
  • Each participant of the rally, that began from Grand Hyatt hotel here, was given a navigation chart containing directions of route and driving speed.
  • a chart of the English coast
  • We think the singer has brilliant material, and it's the record company, not her, that made it chart really low.
  • The ship went on to chart the east coast of Australia, successfully claiming half the continent for King George III.
  • Glancing at our navigation chart , I noticed the Lakehurst Naval Air Station with its huge airship hangars was slightly off course inland.
  • The only hang-up was the navigation chart got sucked out the window somewhere over North Carolina; fortunately, we were in a familiar area.
  • Maybe you hate paperwork and your dream come true would be to have all the quotes reformatted as a graph or a comparison chart instead of having to sit there and read through the lot.
  • I also found it physically awkward to juggle the tablet and the patient's chart , which I often had to do this weekend when paged in the middle of writing a progress note.
  • Frequently, a sketch, a map, a chart , a graph, a computerized illustration or even a photograph really has no probative value at all.
  • The agreement may be written as a physician's note in the patient's chart so that it can be referred to later.
  • I shall continue to chart my own course to recovery.
  • the record will probably chart at about No. 74
  • Results are documented on the patient's chart , and abnormal results are reported to the surgeon or his or her designated assistant.
  • Without an accurate chart , she anchored in Betano Bay at dusk on September 23, 1942 and commenced disembarking troops over her quarterdeck.
  • Clinical information was retrieved from the patient's medical chart .
  • Interest in the colonies was also sustained by a new generation of restless, independent-minded explorers who set off to chart the unmapped areas beyond the frontiers of the French Empire.
  • The chart above shows a graph of the most influential or authoritative blogs as compared with the most authoritative ‘big media’ sites.
  • If the presence of severe pain is confirmed, a ‘pain’ sticker is placed on the patient's chart .
  • a chart showing how much do-it-yourself costs compared with retail
  • Most clinicians expect a patient's chart to contain reliable and valid information and understand that it serves as the legal record of the patient's care.
  • If the patient has been admitted to the hospital before, the preadmission nurse reviews the patient's previous chart as well.
  • Hence they can be used as unfaltering focal points by which to chart your personal development.