banter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of banter in Hindi


  • मज़ाक
  • छेड़
  • हंसी


  • छेड़ना
  • हंसी उड़ाना
  • मज़ाक उड़ाना
  • चुहल
  • ठट्ठा
  • हँसी

banter Definition


  • the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks. ( चिढ़ाने वाली टिप्पणियों के चंचल और मैत्रीपूर्ण आदान-प्रदान। )


  • talk or exchange remarks in a good-humored teasing way. ( एक अच्छे हास्यप्रद तरीके से बात या विनिमय टिप्पणी। )

banter Example

  • The friendly banter shows Hayes has succeeded in creating a dynamic corporate climate. ( दोस्ताना भोज से पता चलता है कि हेस एक गतिशील कॉर्पोरेट माहौल बनाने में सफल रहा है। )
  • The long looks and teasing banter was a thin barrier of what really lay between them. ( लंबे लग रहा है और छेड़ छाड़ एक पतली बाधा थी कि वास्तव में उनके बीच क्या था। )
  • They continued their playful banter for a while and then were silent for a long time. ( उन्होंने अपने चंचल भोज को थोड़ी देर तक जारी रखा और फिर बहुत देर तक चुप रहे। )
  • It was 20 minutes into the game when any prospect of good-natured banter disappeared. ( यह खेल में 20 मिनट का था जब अच्छे स्वभाव वाले भोज की कोई संभावना गायब हो गई। )
  • So the good natured banter and dressing room style bonhomie had been shattered by a traitor in our midst. ( तो अच्छे स्वभाव वाले बैंटर और ड्रेसिंग रूम की शैली बोनहोमि को हमारे देश के गद्दार ने चकनाचूर कर दिया था। )
  • She watched as Ludmilla exchanged banter with the outcaste veteran. ( वह लुडमिला के रूप में देखती थी, जिसमें वह आउटस्टैंडर वेटरन थी। )
  • At first, their banter is friendly, until Heston realizes Moore is not on his side. ( सबसे पहले, उनका भोज अनुकूल है, जब तक कि हेस्टन को पता नहीं है कि मूर उसकी तरफ नहीं है। )
  • Constant exchanges of intelligent banter and a pretty unsettling appearance hold the atmosphere to a sharp edge. ( बुद्धिमान भोज के लगातार आदान-प्रदान और एक सुंदर अस्थिर उपस्थिति ने एक तेज बढ़त के लिए वातावरण को पकड़ लिया। )
  • With McEwan in full flow, Watson sticks his head round the door and instigates some friendly banter . ( पूरे प्रवाह में मैकएवन के साथ, वाटसन ने अपने सिर को दरवाजे के चारों ओर चिपका दिया और कुछ अनुकूल भोज के लिए उकसाया। )

More Sentence

  • The verbal sparring and playful banter with her is really starting to ratchet up some interesting tension.
  • For a barrel of laughs, go and see this likeable duo as they entertain and exchange banter across a farm fence.
  • After spending time in friendly, confidence-winning banter , Dave made it clear he had more on his mind.
  • He was a very cheerful character and liked nothing more than to have a bit of banter with his friends.
  • Jokes and banter are exchanged and students are encouraged to loosen up.
  • Initially he was brought in to exchange bar room banter in Cheers.
  • there was much good-natured banter
  • I missed my Dad a lot in the Philippines, especially our playful banter .
  • there was much singing and good-natured banter
  • As well as exchanging witty banter with Candyman Baker, David knows how to save money on clothes, eating out and pet food.
  • Their playful banter was interrupted when Louis walked into the room.
  • I watched him play Federer and it was a light-hearted affair with plenty of friendly banter .
  • Pupils often emphasised that teasing was not seen as harmful, but as a part of everyday banter , often between friends.
  • Holding court on a sofa in a busy London hotel foyer, Kiely banters away happily, using his gravelly laugh for punctuation.
  • He jostles with them, has a little fun, banters .
  • Between songs, Patti bantered with the audience, joked around and made us laugh (it turns out that she has quite a gift for comic timing).
  • He's been bantering with reporters about a variety of issues.
  • Lidia Verrecchia banters amiably as she ferries cappuccinos to her customers, who sit at Formica tables backed by art deco wood panels.
  • He flirts, he likes kissing necks and shoulders, he sometimes keeps his pyjamas on, he holds hands, he banters in bed, and he makes breakfast.
  • Andrei teases and banters with just about every word, although his humor isn't odd and deadpan like Anikei's - it's lighter and brighter and more relaxed.
  • For awhile they bantered back and forth, trading remarks and occasionally delving deeper into a conversation.