seismic - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of seismic in Hindi

  • भूकंप
  • भूकंप-संबंधी
  • भूकंप-सूचक
  • भूकम्प सम्बन्धी

seismic Definition


  • relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust.

seismic Example

  • seismic data show the deep structure of rift systems ( भूकंपीय डेटा रिफ्ट सिस्टम की गहरी संरचना को दर्शाता है )
  • after a few days of seismic activity the volcanic eruption started ( भूकंपीय गतिविधि के कुछ दिनों के बाद ज्वालामुखी विस्फोट शुरू हो गया )
  • Compared to the slick colored maps of seismic tomography, these cartoons seem like country cousins. ( भूकंपीय गतिविधि के कुछ दिनों के बाद ज्वालामुखी विस्फोट शुरू हो गया )
  • In fact, they are similar to the seismic waves from any other earthquake anywhere in the world. ( वास्तव में, वे दुनिया में कहीं भी किसी भी अन्य भूकंप से आने वाली भूकंपीय तरंगों के समान हैं। )

More Sentence

  • After 123 a of quiescence, noticeable seismic activity began on 20 March, 1980.
  • Far from being randomly distributed, nearly all seismic activity is concentrated in relatively narrow zones.
  • In seismic tomography, as the technique was called, researchers focused on the travel times of waves.
  • The great dislocation and uprooting that this seismic shift entails have had at least two results.
  • The seismic jolt to Los Angeles home values appears to have finally settled down, way down.
  • The competition could have a seismic impact on the Hollywood landscape.
  • The seismic retrofit projects fall under those categories, he said.
  • Behring has commissioned a study of seismic safety at the Kingdome.
  • I don't have any doubts about the seismic issue.
  • Glenmorangie's purchase of Ardbeg follows some seismic corporate changes.
  • "We're saying something seismic is going on.
  • Loma Prieta was the seismic equivalent of the Persian Gulf War.
  • These seismic shifts have weakened the city's power structure.
  • It's difficult to see seismic in a sentence .
  • Although listening devices and seismic instruments were put in place, efforts to pinpoint the source of the noise were unsuccessful.
  • They were disappointed to find that the seismic snapshots were too blurry to support those kinds of mental leaps.
  • Similarly burial plots at seismic locations have been constructed by the use of seismic stratigraphy and correlation with adjacent well positions.
  • The news that the chairman would resign set off seismic waves in the business community.
  • These records provided a rare opportunity to study the attenuation of strong seismic waves as a means of assessing seismic hazard.
  • Plans for the three-year exploration phase include drilling three wells and seismic studies at a cost of $ 13 million.
  • This was a rare opportunity to study the attenuation of strong seismic waves and thereby improve seismic hazard assessment.
  • there are seismic pressures threatening American society