naive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of naive in Hindi

  • अनुभवहीन
  • निष्कपट
  • सदा
  • सरलमति
  • सीधा-सादा
  • भोला-भाला

naive Definition

(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment. ( (किसी व्यक्ति या क्रिया का) अनुभव, ज्ञान या निर्णय की कमी दिखाना। )

naive Example

  • Investing in art is ideal for naive investors since it is risk-free. ( कला में निवेश करना भोले-भाले निवेशकों के लिए आदर्श है क्योंकि यह जोखिम मुक्त है। )
  • I'm not naive enough to think everyone will think this one through like the engineer geek I am. ( मैं यह सोचने के लिए पर्याप्त नहीं हूं कि हर कोई इस बारे में सोचता है कि मैं इंजीनियर गीक हूं। )
  • An aware, as opposed to naive , romanticism never did anyone any harm. ( एक जागरूक, जैसा कि भोले के विपरीत, रूमानियत ने कभी किसी का कोई नुकसान नहीं किया। )

More Sentence

  • Based on this rather naive childhood wish, I did a lot of research and finally got there.
  • She was simply too innocent, too naive to understand the look he had when he looked at her.
  • The collection is striking in its combination of works from both the realms of art brut and naive art.
  • He has been particularly criticized for lack of military experience and naive views of warfare.
  • She wasn't always as innocent and naive as she seemed.
  • Despite her independence and academic brilliance, she is naive and unworldly and her choices are terrifying.
  • It's about being innocent and naive , much like Adam was in Paradise before the fall from grace.
  • In such work his style was colourful and bizarre, sometimes with an almost naive quality of freshness.
  • This campaign utilises unrelated fun visuals and a faux naive style, which makes it all the smarter.
  • Only a very naive observer would conclude that this is currently a party with the focus and energy to win another mandate, whoever its leader may be.
  • She's had a rough childhood and still managed to stay sweet, innocent and a little naive .
  • Admittedly, I did get the feeling that extended exposure to its naive style might weary me, but at first glance?
  • They were naive to believe they were immune from war's violence.
  • Maybe it wasn't a coincidence and you're not as innocent or naive as you try to act.
  • You might think we are fools to be so naive , so innocent, so foolish.
  • I don't think that I was - I think I was more naive on that front than one would expect.
  • Linear simplicity, naive spontaneity, subtlety of tones and interesting techniques mark his abstracts.
  • For example, Daisy is always seen wearing white, which gives her and innocent naive appearance.
  • Her designs which were both naive and decorative showed great purity of line.
  • I can't believe she's that naive and she's a nurse and she's an educated person.
  • Perhaps it was the shock that kept them hoping or maybe it was a naive innocence.
  • Speaking with the naive innocence of childhood, he asks why mummy and daddy aren't married and on their honeymoon.
  • We miss out on the world because we are naive , ingénues who need to be taught everything.
  • Not that all the art on display is naive ; some of it is beautiful in its own right.
  • You always said that you were politically naive , that you were a non-political person.
  • He picks the naive approach and joyous colours and forms creating a montage of the flora, fauna and people of South Asia.
  • When she does engage in critical analysis, the results are naive and limited.