congeal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of congeal in Hindi

  • जमाना
  • जम जाना
  • ठंडा करके जमाना
  • जमना

congeal Definition


  • solidify or coagulate, especially by cooling.

congeal Example

  • They refrigerated the liquid gelatin so it would congeal before they ate it.  ( उन्होंने तरल जिलेटिन को प्रशीतित किया ताकि वे इसे खाएंगे। )
  • She wanted to wash the frying pan before the bacon fat had a chance to congeal.  ( इससे पहले कि वह बेकन वसा को इकट्ठा करने का मौका था, वह फ्राइंग पैन को धोना चाहती थी। )
  • The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee. ( उसके घुटने पर लगे घाव के चारों ओर खून जम गया था। )
  • The weather was already growing wintry and morning frosts congealed an earth saturated by autumn rains. ( मौसम पहले से ही बढ़ता जा रहा था और सुबह की ठंढ ने शरद ऋतु की बारिश से संतृप्त पृथ्वी को जीत लिया। )

More Sentence

  • When the whites congeal, just spoon some water over the yellow yolks and the albumen will turn white, and you have your runny eggs.  
  • She delights in mopping it up with the melted cheesey bread before it has time to congeal.
  • Thus, any forging of a pair-bond system within the species which trended toward promiscuity would be very slow to congeal across generations.
  • Mud will congeal to an ideal consistency, enabling one to fashion the most tempting mud pies.  
  • Knowing that the book is devoted to obscenity, the viewer strives to make these recalcitrant shapes congeal into something naughty.  
  • Fats and grease congeal and harden in cold water which can then be flushed through the system.  
  • As the song progresses, it seems to become both more structured and overwhelming, as its ever-expanding stratum seems to congeal into a more regular pattern.  
  • But when directed inward, that lifeblood tends to congeal, while exposed to rigorous movement it can offer sustaining power.
  • This congealed muck was interfering with the filter.
  • His passion for the ballerina soon congealed.
  • Ice is congealed water.
  • Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
  • But Dolokhov did not go away; he untied the handkerchief around his head, pulled it off, and showed the blood congealed on his hair.
  • The blood had started to congeal.
  • The cold remains of supper had congealed on the plate.
  • The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic.
  • At that epoch the same three opinions were taken up and congealed into dogmas, which may be considered characteristic of the churches adopting them.
  • The oil at last is congealed into a white fat.
  • The bitterness and tears had congealed into hatred.
  • Water congeals to ice.
  • The blood had congealed in thick black clots.
  • Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.
  • Before I could put a bandage on, my blood begun to congeal on my cut.  
  • The water-resistance and strength of stucco gypsum can be improved remarkablely by adding proper quantity self-made inorganic composite glue congeal materials.
  • That matters because the asteroid is one of the oldest known objects in the solar system, having formed a mere 5 million years after the solar system started to congeal.
  • A large cloud of gas and dust begins to congeal gravitationally, starts rotating, and eventually flattens into an object called a protostellar disk.
  • Once it was cold, the fat would congeal on top of the stew.  
  • It is generally estimated that 8 cubic inches of water, become 9 by the act of congealing.
  • One of them spotted me taking my swan dive, and I guess I was more appealing than congealing, cold blood.
  • He battled tears and returning nausea to face again the spectacle of Edgar’s corpse lying in a congealing pool of blood.
  • Maggie soaks a tea towel under the cold tap and starts to wipe away the congealing mess of mud and blood from his hands and face.
  • It was skinned and raw just below the kneecap with the blood slowly congealing around the edge, but still leaking from the center.
  • Trolleys move slowly congealing meals along in front of care staff, and porters wheel the infirm and the damaged towards toilets and x-rays.
  • Our experiment was ruined when the matter started to congeal instead of remaining in liquid form.