dilapidated - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dilapidated in Hindi

  • उबड खाबड


  • जीर्ण
  • पुराना
  • नष्ट
  • बरबाद किया हुआ
  • छिन्न-भिन्न
  • जीर्ण-शीर्ण
  • भग्न
  • टूटा-फूटा

dilapidated Definition


  • (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

dilapidated Example

  • old, dilapidated buildings ( पुरानी, ​​जीर्ण-शीर्ण इमारतें )
  • A fire was made up in the dilapidated brick stove. ( जर्जर ईंट के चूल्हे में आग लग गई। )
  • On the east of the town at the foot of a hill stands a dilapidated fort. ( शहर के पूर्व में एक पहाड़ी की तलहटी में एक जीर्ण-शीर्ण किला है। )
  • He continued through the streets and slowed when he reached a dilapidated, boarded-up church on a corner. ( वह सड़कों के माध्यम से जारी रहा और धीमा हो गया जब वह एक कोने पर एक जीर्ण, बोर्ड-अप चर्च में पहुंचा। )

More Sentence

  • They had been concealed in a cellar to prevent their falling into the hands of the book-collecting princes of Pergamum, and were in a very dilapidated condition.
  • coast, is substantially built of stone, surrounded by a wall, and commanded by a dilapidated citadel; it is the residence of the sultan and of the French administrator.
  • In the near distance, beyond the other dilapidated buildings on the abandoned street, came the sound of small arms laser fire.
  • The royal vault in the Chapel Royal, which had fallen into a dilapidated condition, has been put in order; Clockmill House and grounds have been added to the area of the parade ground, and the abbey precincts generally and the approaches to the King's Park have been improved.
  • This building had been in even a more dilapidated condition than the mill itself.
  • Fisher himself complained of its dilapidated state and of the rats that infested it.
  • But the place was inexpressibly cheerless and dilapidated in the dawning light.
  • It surely is entitled to decent interment where all dilapidated scarecrows cease from troubling.
  • The trap was a nondescript and dilapidated vehicle, and the horse was by no means a thoroughbred.
  • The house was but a few years built, and yet was already dilapidated and ruinous-looking.
  • The chapel was a lonely, dingy and dilapidated building, inside as well as outside.
  • No doubt Oropesa, where the Duke of Frias has an ancient and somewhat dilapidated palace.
  • It was here a dilapidated corduroy structure that compelled the traveler to keep an eye on his feet.
  • The Danes had only three days' warning of the approaching danger; and the vast and dilapidated line of defence had at first but 2000 regular defenders.
  • The ancient castle of Sigismondo Malatesta, now dilapidated, has in recent years been used as a prison.
  • Its grey houses have a neglected, almost a dilapidated appearance, from the friable stone of which they are constructed; and there are no buildings of antiquarian interest or striking architectural beauty, except, perhaps, the ruined citadel and the remnants of the town walls.
  • the tank was now rather dilapidated