complexities - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of complexities in Hindi
- जटिलताओं
- जटिलता
- जटिल वस्तु
complexities Definition
- the state or quality of being intricate or complicated.
complexities Example
- His trusted advisor had never done so before, but A'Ran hadn't thought any member of his household capable of the complexities of battle planning. ( उनके विश्वसनीय सलाहकार ने पहले कभी ऐसा नहीं किया था, लेकिन A'Ran ने अपने घर के किसी भी सदस्य को युद्ध की योजना की जटिलताओं के लिए सक्षम नहीं सोचा था। )
- Pitt is especially successful at finding the complexities in his role. ( पिट अपनी भूमिका में जटिलताओं को खोजने में विशेष रूप से सफल है। )
- But once back in bed, the complexities and the happenings of the day raised their heads like so many ghosts crying for attention in his tired brain. ( लेकिन बिस्तर पर एक बार, दिन की जटिलताओं और घटनाओं ने उनके सिर को उठाया जैसे कि कई भूत अपने थके हुए मस्तिष्क में ध्यान के लिए रो रहे हैं। )
- But we do strongly believe that within the complexities of this year's many changes is a solid core that can be built upon. ( लेकिन हम दृढ़ता से मानते हैं कि इस वर्ष की जटिलताओं के भीतर कई बदलाव एक ठोस कोर है जिसे बनाया जा सकता है। )
More Sentence
- In developing our conception we must discard from consideration the complexities that arise from the organization of the higher living bodies, the differences between one living animal and another, or between plant and animal.
- The complexities of cardiac electrophysiology are discussed in clinically relevant terms.
- As we have seen, Burke's very first piece, the satire on Bolingbroke, sprang from his conviction that merely rationalistic or destructive criticism, applied to the vast complexities of man in the social union, is either mischievous or futile, and mischievous exactly in proportion as it is not futile.
- It's difficult to see complexities in a sentence .
- There are so many nuances and complexities that you really have to delve into the wine and stretch your mind sometimes to find some of the aromas.
- Not ready for some of the complexities that are involved with cell phone themes?
- Dancers with advanced skills are recognized by their ability to coordinate a few rhythmic movements simultaneously, presenting impressive complexities to an audience or other community members.
- He had a real grasp for the complexities of the law.
- Textbooks have not told the truth in all of its complexity.
- particularitye general rules are, the more they must ignore the complexities and particularities of individual situations.
- 2 His well-known modification 3 of Weber's molecular theory, published in 1890, presented for the first time a simple and sufficient explanation of hysteresis and many other complexities of magnetic quality.