shellfish - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of shellfish in Hindi
- कस्तूरा
- सीपदार मछली
- घोंघा
shellfish Definition
- an aquatic shelled mollusk (e.g. an oyster or cockle) or crustacean (e.g. a crab or shrimp), especially one that is edible.
shellfish Example
- Fish and shellfish or dairy foods could show up daily, but would be optional. ( मछली और शंख या डेयरी खाद्य पदार्थ दैनिक दिखाई दे सकते हैं, लेकिन यह वैकल्पिक होगा। )
- Pollution largely ended the shellfish industry although there have been recent attempts to revive it. ( प्रदूषण ने बड़े पैमाने पर शंख उद्योग को समाप्त कर दिया, हालांकि हाल ही में इसे पुनर्जीवित करने के प्रयास किए गए हैं। )
- Shellfish are good to eat. ( शंख खाने में अच्छा होता है। )
- The outbreak of food poisoning was traced to some contaminated shellfish. ( खाद्य विषाक्तता के प्रकोप का पता कुछ दूषित शंख से लगाया गया था। )
More Sentence
- Good sources are:- liver, kidney, heart, egg yolk, legumes, cocoa, cane molasses, shellfish and parsley.
- Specialities include hearty cassoulet, shellfish, and rotisserie chicken.
- We could almost have been in a French seafood restaurant in Brittany, what with the wonderful array of fresh shellfish on display.
- Harry and Bunny again started to dig for the shellfish and Sue held the basket for them.
- These dyes were obtained from two kinds of shellfish together with an alkali prepared from seaweed.
- He subsisted on shellfish which he picked up on the seashore, or upon hips and haws which he gathered in the woods.
- It was a lovely morning, and he could distinguish the shellfish creeping on the bottom, though the water was ten fathoms deep.
- Nothing grew on the Rock, and its sides, covered with shellfish at sea level where the surf thundered in, were too precipitous for access.
- You might also want to avoid giving raw shellfish to your toddler to reduce their risk of getting food poisoning.
- Good food sources of iron include: almonds, broccoli, dried beans, raisins, dried apricots, seaweed (as soup stock), whole-grain breads and cereals, brown rice, lean red meat, liver, potatoes, poultry, and shellfish.
- If you master the art of cooking fish and shellfish, you'll always be able to impress dinner guests with fabulous dishes.Shrimp cocktail is especially easy to prepare, and makes for an extra-fancy presentation.
- In British Columbian waters the main catch is of salmon, in addition to which are halibut, oolachan, herring, sturgeon, cod and shellfish.
- Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.
- The health department has linked several cases of food poisoning with contaminated shellfish.
- This definition would exclude a gull or crow that drops a shellfish from a height on to a hard surface.
- It would provide a safe place for shellfish and salmon aquaculture.
- Last month, Rafeedie extended Boldt's ruling to shellfish.
- All of the shellfish sampled was superbly fresh and well presented.
- Serve chilled with fish fritters or with grilled fish or shellfish.
- To cook shellfish, combine with 1 / 2 cup water.
- Other laws in Leviticus forbid eating shellfish and wearing mixed fabric.
- Add 1 { cups to shellfish broth, and reserve remainder.
- Bring shellfish broth to boil, and then reduce to simmer.
- I half expect to see drawings of plants sprouting little shellfish.
- Sept . 17-19, PEI Shellfish Festival, Charlottetown.
- It's difficult to see shellfish in a sentence .
- Shellfish should be placed in an airtight freezer bag before freezing.
- Shellfish never smelled so good to the gumshoes at Parker Center.
- Oysters, clams and shellfish rest on a bed of algae.
- It is not an oyster Champagne, not a shellfish wine.
- Chiklis nails it, especially the famous shellfish-spitting scene.
- 1 1 / 2 cups water, chicken stock or shellfish stock
- The most expensive item consisted of several kinds of shellfish in a sauce and sounded as if it was better avoided.
- Further along the shore a few beachcombers were bunkered down, husking washed-up coconuts for copra; others collected shellfish.
- The highest proportion of cholesterol is found in egg yolk, offal, shellfish, red meat, butter and cream.
- The full impact on the economically important fishing industry, in particular the mussel and shellfish beds, has yet to be determined.
- Laboratory mice died within minutes of being fed the shellfish.
- He not only kills her, he crushes her skull and splits her body like a shellfish.
- they plied me with enormous platters of fresh shellfish
- this species is harmful to marine shellfish