chauvinist - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chauvinist in Hindi
- अंधराष्ट्रीवादी
- क़ौमपरस्त
- शोवीवादी
- युध्द-प्रीय देशभक्त
chauvinist Definition
- a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism. ( आक्रामक या अतिरंजित देशभक्ति का प्रदर्शन करने वाला व्यक्ति। )
- showing or relating to excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular group or cause. ( किसी विशेष समूह या कारण के लिए अत्यधिक या पूर्वाग्रही निष्ठा या समर्थन से संबंधित या दिखाना। )
chauvinist Example
- It is a call to look inside ourselves and our societies for the roots of chauvinist pastiche and a chilling demonstration of the fact that unless we go out and grapple with complexity, complexity will come in and smother us. ( यह अपने आप को और हमारे समाजों को च्यूनिस्ट पिस्ते की जड़ों और इस तथ्य के द्रुतशीतन प्रदर्शन के लिए देखने के लिए एक आह्वान है कि जब तक हम बाहर नहीं जाते हैं और जटिलता से जूझते हैं, जटिलता हमारे अंदर आएगी और हमें चिकना करेगी। )
- There are many cases of chauvinist bias among police and prosecutors. ( पुलिस और अभियोजकों के बीच चौकावादी पक्षपात के कई मामले हैं। )
- Others infer that this construction was the culmination of years of exclusionist and culturally chauvinist thinking on the part of the European scholars, which placed them as naturally superior to all other races. ( अन्य लोगों ने अनुमान लगाया कि यह निर्माण यूरोपीय विद्वानों के हिस्से पर बहिष्कारवादी और सांस्कृतिक रूप से अराजकतावादी सोच की परिणति था, जिसने उन्हें अन्य सभी जातियों के लिए स्वाभाविक रूप से श्रेष्ठ माना। )
More Sentence
- In other venues union officials have been less cautious about appealing to racist and chauvinist sentiments.
- But as details of the federal structure are worked out, the opposition of chauvinist groups is certain to intensify, compounding the political difficulties confronting the government.
- A perception had also grown that the Prime Minister was pandering to a racially chauvinist minority uncomfortable with the country's increasingly multicultural society.
- No one has been charged or convicted with this or any of the previous crimes, which, given the chauvinist attitudes rampant among the police force, is hardly a shock.
- He went on to make the link with the rise of a xenophobic and chauvinist party in northern Italy, with the threat of the far right in Germany and with high racial tensions in northern English towns ahead of this week's council elections.
- In the closing years of the 19th century, Mark Twain, shocked by chauvinist reactions to the rebellion, sounded the alarm.
- I am not, and never have been, a male chauvinist .
- The internal politics of Europe have been changed in ways that are only beginning to emerge, with great dangers in racist and chauvinist politics, yet also with great promise of more integrative and dynamic cultural growth.
- The other day, he was virtually given a ‘dressing down’ by an irate woman delegate who demanded to know whether he was a male chauvinist .
- In his long, miserable chauvinist career, he has done more to block women, their views, and their professional aspirations than any journalist I know.
- And even if it does seem sexist and chauvinist to some people, then who really cares?
- Can the cultural chauvinist be separated from the imperialist?
- In modern speak, he was a chauvinist who wanted his wife at home and subservient.
- You would be forgiven for thinking that such sentiments had been mouthed by a male chauvinist in the 19th century, or that they are perhaps a parody of our ancestors' unenlightened mindset.
- He stated that these additions would pave the way to a new religious and chauvinist despotism.
- They have pointed out that there have also been attempts by school officials to censor views deemed excessively chauvinist or racist.
- But once they don the uniforms and take up arms they get chauvinist feelings.
- Oh, I still have chauvinist thoughts, like the jokes we made about these women playing football while their boyfriends watched.
- In Bulgaria I become a Polish chauvinist , in Poland I am an incredible Bulgarian patriot.
- And is it possible to be romantic without being a chauvinist ?
- Well I was, as a kid, a terrible chauvinist , militarist and warmonger.
- I couldn't see Lizzy or Andrew but Henry was lying still and clutching his left leg, but being the chauvinist , sexist, pig he is, he didn't make a single sound.
- Incapable of making any broad appeal, the presidential contenders will resort to electoral fraud, character assassination, chauvinist appeals and outright violence to boost their chances.
- Most of the rest I think are just terminally chauvinist and ignorant.
- This, as we said, is especially true for women who live in a chauvinist , discriminatory environment.
- To believe this, you need to be not just a patriot but a chauvinist .
- The town fathers chauvinistically insisted that local materials be used.