apt - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of apt in Hindi
- उपयुक्त
- उचित
- योग्य
- तत्पर
- उद्यत
- संगत
- मुंहतोड़
apt Definition
- appropriate or suitable in the circumstances. ( परिस्थितियों में उपयुक्त या उपयुक्त। )
- having a tendency to do something. ( कुछ करने की प्रवृत्ति होना। )
- quick to learn. ( सीखने की जल्दी। )
- apartment. ( अपार्टमेंट। )
apt Example
- Down toward this latter end of the spectrum are folks who are more than ordinarily apt to confuse the wish and the deed, the belief and the fact. ( स्पेक्ट्रम के इस उत्तरार्द्ध की ओर नीचे वे लोग हैं जो इच्छा और काम, विश्वास और तथ्य को भ्रमित करने के लिए सामान्य से अधिक हैं। )
- Delicious decadence dripped from the setting, giving a perfectly apt description of the scene. ( दृश्य से पूरी तरह से उपयुक्त विवरण देते हुए सेटिंग से स्वादिष्ट गिरावट। )
- The HOPE Scholarship was put in place more than anything to keep the apt students within the state. ( राज्य के भीतर उपयुक्त छात्रों को रखने के लिए HOPE छात्रवृत्ति को कुछ से अधिक रखा गया था।)
- This may be correct as a statement of general principle, but it is not apt in the circumstances of this case. ( यह सामान्य सिद्धांत के एक बयान के रूप में सही हो सकता है, लेकिन यह इस मामले की परिस्थितियों में उपयुक्त नहीं है।)
- Intuitions are apt to differ, for example, regarding the existence of a moral obligation to pay for the wine delivered to your home by mistake. ( अंतर्ज्ञान के लिए अंतर अलग-अलग हैं, उदाहरण के लिए, गलती से आपके घर तक पहुंचाई गई शराब के लिए एक नैतिक दायित्व के अस्तित्व के बारे में। )
- Ask her if she ever thought it necessary to learn acting, and the answer is an apt no. ( उससे पूछें कि क्या उसने कभी अभिनय सीखना जरूरी समझा, और जवाब एक उपयुक्त नहीं है। )
- In such circumstances car journalists are apt to talk about poor rear seat or limited boot space, or the complicated satellite navigation system. ( ऐसी परिस्थितियों में कार पत्रकार खराब रियर सीट या सीमित बूट स्थान, या जटिल उपग्रह नेविगेशन प्रणाली के बारे में बात करने के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं हैं। )
- The hat, as opposed to helmet, made for a cute and apt symbol for this. ( हेलमेट के विपरीत टोपी, इसके लिए एक प्यारा और उपयुक्त प्रतीक बनाया गया। )
- The revelations of Monday indicate just how apt both those descriptions have turned out to be. ( सोमवार के खुलासे से संकेत मिलता है कि कैसे उन दोनों विवरणों के बारे में बताया गया है। )
More Sentence
- He was a monk and maverick philosopher; she, the apt and eager pupil.
- Kate moulded the format of a traditional Irish Blessing into a toast that was clever, entertaining and apt for the occasion.
- Blunt secateurs would be a more apt description, only less useful.
- He regarded him with a mild smile and slight shake of his head, just like a teacher might regard an apt , but lazy pupil.
- David had been busy with Rose, who was definitely a more apt pupil with Dog Speak than Harry had been with sailing language.
- It really does look like a jungle, so his description was apt .
- We have an innate tendency to avoid pain, and therefore we are apt to conjure up rationalizations that justify our behavior.
- There is no basis for inferring that a different form would have been likely to have been apt or appropriate or sought out.
- As his photo attests, he's also been an apt pupil of bodybuilding for the past five years.
- That's an apt description of the political leadership class.
- I laughed when I read it because it is such an apt and true description of where I've ended up.
- Adam proved himself a wonderful teacher while James fit the role of apt pupil perfectly.
- And empirical work will be needed to see whether it is indeed a more apt description of innovation.
- The second sentence of that statement is elliptical, and the whole statement is apt to cause confusion.
- I spoke to two senior players last night and it is apt to say that they are confused.
- But the language of liberty and freedom is apt to be confusing in these areas.
- But in the context of the American culture wars in the political arena, it's an entirely apt and appropriate choice.
- So long as the global economy continues to rebound, the outlook for commodities is apt to stay bright.
- There is apt humor here and no less apt insight into the deviousness of the psyche.
- She becomes quite the apt pupil for him, becoming much like him but resenting him as well.
- He says that a bowler who learns only by experience is apt to know more about what not to do than what to do.