adequate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adequate in Hindi

  • पर्याप्त
  • उचित
  • समुचित
  • योग्य
  • सक्षम

adequate Definition

  • satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity. ( गुणवत्ता या मात्रा में संतोषजनक या स्वीकार्य। )

adequate Example

  • In some cases this is adequate , but in others it may be far from acceptable image quality. ( कुछ मामलों में यह पर्याप्त है, लेकिन दूसरों में यह स्वीकार्य छवि गुणवत्ता से दूर हो सकता है। ) 
  • The band simply didn't have the time or resources to find an adequate replacement for Frank.( फ्रैंक के लिए पर्याप्त प्रतिस्थापन खोजने के लिए बैंड के पास बस समय या संसाधन नहीं था। )
  • The wine list is adequate , but it is probably best to avoid those from the castle's own vineyard. ( शराब की सूची पर्याप्त है, लेकिन यह संभवतः महल के अपने दाख की बारी से बचने के लिए सबसे अच्छा है। ) 
  • The strike date is set for later this month to allow adequate time for negotiations early in the New Year. ( नए साल की शुरुआत में बातचीत के लिए पर्याप्त समय की अनुमति देने के लिए इस महीने के अंत के लिए हड़ताल की तारीख निर्धारित की गई है। )

More Sentence

  • It also requires there to be adequate legroom for workers to work comfortably.
  • They point to figures that show current oil supplies are more than adequate to satisfy demand.
  • He does not consider this to be an adequate reason for not claiming asylum on arrival at the airport.
  • There were two car-parking spots for each dwelling and he thought access was adequate .
  • We concentrated on the failure of the trust to give the school fair treatment and adequate support.
  • Allocation of adequate resources for research in these fields is highly desirable.
  • The infrastructure is not adequate to take the amount of traffic there is now.
  • Have you got adequate measures in place for you and your employees to deal with the heat?
  • Many villagers had also felt that the proposal did not offer adequate parking.
  • To build up a fund large enough to buy an adequate pension, it is important to start saving as soon as possible.
  • Students heading off to university are being urged to check they have adequate insurance.
  • The main drain isn't adequate to take away waste water from the fishmongers' kiosks.
  • If you only go abroad once a year then a single-trip policy should be adequate .
  • The argument was that the Judge had not given adequate reasons for his adverse findings.
  • They should supply us with adequate refuse and recycling units, then many would recycle.
  • These boys are not brought up with an adequate amount of respect for the opposite sex.
  • The extent to which other factors, such as experience or training, affect reading adequacy is also helpful.
  • The review will look into the adequacy of current arrangements and codes of practice.
  • I can dine quite adequately with no more than two plates and a knife and fork.
  • The question is whether or not such leaders adequately represent the will of the people.
  • Taken together, these findings suggest both the adequacy and utility of our measure.
  • Our youngsters seem to cope quite adequately not giving two hoots about an apostrophe.
  • This goes to the question of the adequacy of the interpreting services.
  • The question I have to decide is whether this is an adequately reasoned decision.
  • Thanks to the dairy farming he has been able to provide for this family fairly adequately .
  • Meanwhile the federal parliament has announced an inquiry into the adequacy of rural and regional air services.