dropper - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dropper in Hindi

  • ड्रॉपर

dropper Definition


  • a short glass tube with a rubber bulb at one end and a tiny hole at the other, for measuring out drops of medicine or other liquids.
  • a subsidiary line or loop of filament attached to a main line or leader.

dropper Example

  • a dropper line ( एक ड्रॉपर लाइन )
  • oils sold in bottles with a rubber-tipped dropper ( रबर-टिप वाले ड्रॉपर के साथ बोतलों में बेचा जाने वाला तेल )
  • Each amber bottle has a glass dropper for economical use. ( प्रत्येक एम्बर बोतल में किफायती उपयोग के लिए ग्लास ड्रॉपर होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Bottle with dropper tip: While a bottle with an eyedropper-type tip is optional, most herbal tinctures are taken as drops added to water.
  • No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to tie a dropper on to my leader properly.
  • My dh had already given me some rescue remedy, and put a dropper full in my water to try to stop me shaking.
  • We could see Ike the Dropper and Dr.
  • For Heaven's sake--it's Ike the Dropper!.
  • There was Ike the Dropper, that scoundrel who lives on women.
  • She carries a phial, a dropper and some water in a glass.
  • JONATHAN ( taking the phial and the dropper from MINNIE).
  • Harris to the black and tan joint and the meeting with Ike the Dropper.
  • Packaging: 50ml dropper 15% alcohol Dosage: 10-20 drops depending on size of patient 3 times daily for 3-6 weeks.
  • an eye dropper