disqualified - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of disqualified in Hindi

  • अयोग्य घोषित कर दिया
  • अयोग्य
  • निरर्हित
  • अनर्ह
  • अनर्हित
  • अपात्र

disqualified Definition


  • (of a person) declared ineligible for an office, activity, or competition because of an offense or infringement.

disqualified Example

  • Three disqualified athletes ( तीन अयोग्य एथलीट )
  • Bright was disqualified by illness during the whole of 1856 and 1857. ( पूरे १८५६ और १८५७ के दौरान बीमारी के कारण ब्राइट को अयोग्य घोषित कर दिया गया था। )
  • A third statute disqualified plebeians from being elected to canonries or bishoprics. ( एक तीसरे क़ानून ने plebeians को कैनोनरी या बिशोपिक्स के लिए चुने जाने से अयोग्य घोषित कर दिया। )
  • The next session found him disqualified by a severe illness, which caused his retirement from office at the end of the year, and kept him out of public life for four years. ( अगले सत्र में उन्हें एक गंभीर बीमारी के कारण अयोग्य घोषित कर दिया गया, जिसके कारण वर्ष के अंत में वे पद से सेवानिवृत्त हो गए, और उन्हें चार साल के लिए सार्वजनिक जीवन से दूर रखा। )
  • Johnson's lamb was disqualified as grand champion at Louisville. ( जॉनसन के मेमने को लुइसविले में ग्रैंड चैंपियन के रूप में अयोग्य घोषित कर दिया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • He was disqualified, correctly so, by Referee Wayne Kelly.
  • No, he said, bypassing another opportunity to be disqualified.
  • Carey or any of his slate of candidates should be disqualified.
  • Cars can be disqualified if they don't meet specifications.
  • Things were going smoothly until he was disqualified for hugging Lewis.
  • He finished second, but was disqualified to sixth for interference.
  • All three have been disqualified by the CHRB, Forgnone said.
  • "That's why we disqualified him ."
  • To the First Chamber protectionists were almost exclusively elected, and in the Second all the twenty-two members for Stockholm were disqualified, owing to one of their number not having paid his taxes a few years previously, which prevented his being eligible.
  • In all, or practically all, the states idiots, convicts and the insane are disqualified; in some states paupers; in some of the Western states the Chinese.
  • Best health and fitness apps to make life easier
  • To the outer world the canton of Appenzell is best known by its institution of Landsgemeinden, or primitive democratic assemblies held in the open air, in which every male citizen (not being disqualified) over twenty years of age must (under a money penalty) appear personally: each half-canton has such an assembly of its own, that of Inner Rhoden always meeting at Appenzell, and that of Ausser Rhoden in the odd years at Hundwil (near Herisau) and in the even years at Trogen.
  • But Corinth's real prosperity dates from the time of the tyranny (657-581), established by a disqualified noble Cypselus.
  • Over his high school career, he was disqualified from.
  • I hadn’t seen it, but Patrick was disqualified for rough riding.
  • Team Noziak is disqualified for releasing hands before the exercise ended.
  • In this case, it turned out the kid had used an illegal formula for fuel and would be disqualified.
  • I realize that all the weaknesses and fears that I thought had disqualified me for the job, were in.
  • Scholarship essays full of grammatical errors are the first to be disqualified even if the content is otherwise compelling.
  • On 13 September 2012, however, the World Meteorological Organization disqualified the higher reading, restoring the record to Death Valley.
  • They left the Olympic village, unauthorized, to avoid the test and invented a patently fraudulent story of a motorcycle accident and were thus disqualified.
  • Declared atheists are similarly disqualified.
  • Clerks in holy orders and ministers of religion are not disqualified as they are for being borough councillors, but in other respects the persons disqualified to be elected for a county are the same as those disqualified to be elected for a borough.
  • It imposed a new oath from which the words which disqualified the Jews were omitted.