bass - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of bass in Hindi
- बास
- मंद्र
- पर्श
- नीच
- चटाई और टोकरे बनाने और पौधे बाँधने में प्रयुक्त नीबू के पेड़ की भीतरी छाल
bass Definition
- a voice, instrument, or sound of the lowest range, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से सबसे कम रेंज की आवाज, उपकरण या ध्वनि। )
- the common European freshwater perch. ( आम यूरोपीय मीठे पानी की पर्च। )
- any of a number of fish similar to or related to the bass, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से या बास से संबंधित मछली की कोई संख्या। )
bass Example
- The deadpan vocals are suitably dark but lack the power to cut through the layers of underwater guitar and bass . ( डेडपैन वोकल्स काफी गहरे हैं, लेकिन पानी के भीतर गिटार और बास की परतों के माध्यम से कटौती करने की शक्ति का अभाव है। )
- Spend the day fishing for bass , then head to the theatre for a well-staged play. ( बास के लिए मछली पकड़ने का दिन बिताएं, फिर एक अच्छी तरह से मंचन के लिए थिएटर में जाएं। )
- ‘Greetings,’ he said in a deep bass voice as they drew closer. ( अभिवादन, 'उन्होंने गहरी बास आवाज में कहा क्योंकि वे करीब आ गए। )
- He leads the way with his throaty bass saxophone. ( वह अपने गले में बास सैक्सोफोन के साथ रास्ता बनाता है। )
- To blow off steam, he gave us the next day off, and we went bass fishing. ( भाप से उड़ाने के लिए, उसने हमें अगले दिन छुट्टी दे दी, और हम बास मछली पकड़ने चले गए। )
- There is an audible buzz throughout, and any bass in the music breaks apart into a dreadful fuzzy haze. ( वहाँ एक श्रव्य चर्चा है, और संगीत में किसी भी बास एक भयानक फजी धुंध में टूट जाता है। )
- Can you advise me on how I can persuade him to take up a real instrument like say the bass trombone? ( क्या आप मुझे सलाह दे सकते हैं कि कैसे मैं उसे असली उपकरण लेने के लिए राजी कर सकता हूं जैसे बास ट्रॉमबोन? )
- Again, the chorus bears the brunt of the text, but there are soprano, contralto, and bass soloists. ( फिर, कोरस पाठ का खामियाजा भुगतता है, लेकिन सोप्रानो, कॉन्ट्राल्टो, और बास सोलिस्टिस्ट हैं। )
- Everything clicks on this one - the drums, bass and guitar runs are truly inspired. ( सब कुछ इस पर क्लिक करता है - ड्रम, बास और गिटार रन वास्तव में प्रेरित हैं। )
- At least in the imaginary versions for bass tuba or kettledrum I wager to say that he is right. ( कम से कम बास तुबा या केतलीड्रम के काल्पनिक संस्करणों में मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि वह सही है। )
More Sentence
- The F clef is used for the lower staff of keyboard music and for all bass voices or instruments.
- They use no electronics, and hardly any electric instruments, apart from bass guitar and occasional electric guitar.
- He acquired his nickname singing the bass harmony second voice.
- ‘You can come out now, fools,’ he said with considerably more bass in his voice than normal.
- The plant yields a silk cotton from the seeds and a rich white bass fibre from the bark, both likely to be of commercial value.
- All bass are fine game fishes, with tournaments being held regularly.
- Hungry bass offer golden opportunity Spinnerbaits ideal for hooking fish this month
- My aunt and uncle both played trombone, my Grandma played bass clarinet and they have an organ; the one I taught myself on when I was little.
- The lake is stocked mostly with catfish and bass , and the fish are obviously not as stupid as they look, as they seem to hang out round the scuba park, where they are safe from anglers.
- The fish killed included bass , roach, eels and fluke when the temperature soared to twenty six degrees Centigrade.
- He also hits the keyboards, drums, bass guitar, and pitches in on background vocals.
- I did manage a couple of hours fishing a bass pool the next morning.
- He laughed in his deep bass voice, sending shivers down my spine.
- He was into the first fish of the day, then a nice bass was being lifted from the water, it weighed about four pounds.
- Her warm bass trumpet solo adds to a very memorable performance that will remain a definitive rendition of the great song.
- I'm definitely not saying that bass is a useless instrument, or piano, or anything like that at all.
- They aren't as big as the Caribbean jewfish or the potato bass of the Indo-Pacific region, though.
- a bass clarinet
- The sound is pretty good - a very nice Dolby 5.1 mix fills the room with modest bass and atmospheric music and detailed sounds.
- The sound is also better with a deeper, richer bass and reverberation.