triditional - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of triditional in Hindi
- परंपरागत
- प्रथावाला
- सनातन
- परंपरा-संबंधी
- रूढ़ि-गत
- परम्परागत
- पारम्परिक
triditional Definition
- existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.
triditional Example
- the traditional drinks in the clubhouse ( क्लब हाउस में पारंपरिक पेय )
- a traditional fish soup ( एक पारंपरिक मछली सूप )
- Well, the traditional roles of men and women have changed in the last generation. ( खैर, पिछली पीढ़ी में पुरुषों और महिलाओं की पारंपरिक भूमिकाएं बदल गई हैं। )
- He wanted her to stay home and be the traditional wife. ( वह चाहता था कि वह घर पर रहे और पारंपरिक पत्नी बने। )
More Sentence
- Without traditional beauty, he was still handsome in a raw, dangerous way.
- The Armenians of Venice maintain their traditional characteristics.
- But such lines of thought might carry us outside the limits of traditional theism.
- The form is the traditional form developed and made more exquisite.
- Her traditional rivals pointed their fingers of fine scorn toward her.
- Florence, however, saw it, with the traditional clearness of an invalid
- Located half a mile from downtown, this restaurant offers a traditional menu for eating inside or taking out.
- Dad stayed on the farm most of the time, and Mom was the traditional housewife.
- With God as "First Cause" or "Moral Legislator" theology has no concern; nor is it interested in the "speculative" problems indicated by the traditional doctrine of the Trinity.
- French toast is made with a traditional sweet bread called tsoureki, and avga spanakia is an omelet with spinach, tomato, leeks, and feta.
- The story of Camillus is no doubt largely traditional.
- the traditional festivities of the Church year
- traditional Elgarians