energetically - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of energetically in Hindi

  • उर्जा
  • स्फूर्ति से
  • सोद्योग
  • उत्साहपूर्वक

energetically Definition


  • in a manner showing or involving great activity or vitality.

energetically Example

  • the royal pair were dancing energetically ( शाही जोड़ी जोश से नाच रही थी )
  • Recognizing that the true aim of the scheme of church reform brought forward in parliament in 1529 was to put down the only moral force that could withstand the royal will, he energetically opposed the reformation of abuses, which doubtless under other circumstances he would have been the first to accept. ( यह स्वीकार करते हुए कि १५२९ में संसद में चर्च सुधार की योजना का असली उद्देश्य शाही इच्छा का सामना करने वाली एकमात्र नैतिक शक्ति को नीचे रखना था, उन्होंने दुर्व्यवहार के सुधार का जोरदार विरोध किया, जो निस्संदेह अन्य परिस्थितियों में होता। पहले स्वीकार करने के लिए। )
  • Titanium dichloride, TiC1 21 obtained by passing hydrogen over the trichloride at a dull red heat, is a very hygroscopic brown powder which inflames when exposed to air, and energetically decomposes water. ( टाइटेनियम डाइक्लोराइड, TiC1 21 एक सुस्त लाल गर्मी पर ट्राइक्लोराइड के ऊपर हाइड्रोजन पारित करके प्राप्त किया गया, एक बहुत ही हीड्रोस्कोपिक ब्राउन पाउडर है जो हवा के संपर्क में आने पर जलता है, और ऊर्जावान रूप से पानी को विघटित करता है। ) 

More Sentence

  • The victory of the Venetians off Chios (May 2, 1657) was a severe blow to the Turkish seapower, which Kuprili set himself energetically to repair.
  • But this the father energetically denied.
  • The man in the pulpit talks energetically and sensibly.
  • Mr. Smith was sitting energetically erect.
  • I think we need to energetically pursue export opportunities to Japan,
  • He is speaking energetically about Ted Koppel's premature departure.
  • Anthony Heald is energetically futile as the prominent, ineffectual man.
  • The actor courts the audience energetically, like a hillbilly clown.
  • And he defended Russia's interests most energetically,"
  • If it bubbles energetically, it is still active and usable.
  • Each day, the Chinelos dance more energetically than the last.
  • Furthermore, having a lower metabolic rate is less energetically expensive.
  • Calling is postulated to be energetically costly to anurans in general.
  • It's difficult to see energetically in a sentence .
  • The title track, an energetically percussive Go Figure ".
  • Prue stooped and energetically lifted her out upon the ground.
  • Red energetically swept the sombrero behind him and pointed to the rear.
  • The work on board the two frigates was going forward as energetically as ever.
  • On this occasion he vindicated the sanctity of the temple by expelling Tobiah, reorganized the supplies for the Levites, took measures to uphold the observance of the Sabbath, and protested energetically against the foreign marriages.
  • Having been appointed to the command of the operations against Jugurtha, he at first carried on the campaign energetically, but soon, having been heavily bribed, concluded a disgraceful peace.
  • he energetically pursued his business activities