covering - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of covering in Hindi

  • कवर
  • आवरण
  • ढक्कन
  • आच्छादन
  • प्रावरण
  • छादन

covering Definition


  • a thing used to cover something else, typically in order to protect or conceal it.


  • (of shooting) carried out to protect an exposed person from an enemy.

covering Example

  • we retreated behind spurts of covering fire ( हम आग को ढकने के पीछे पीछे हट गए )
  • The canvas covering was peeled back. ( कैनवास के कवरिंग को वापस छील दिया गया था। )
  • Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor. ( उत्तर में सड़कों पर घना कोहरा छाया हुआ है और दृश्यता बहुत कम है। )
  • The brown vinyl covering all the horizontal surfaces is coming unstuck in several places. ( सभी क्षैतिज सतहों को कवर करने वाला भूरा विनाइल कई जगहों पर बिना रुके आ रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • A safety pin has a metal covering over the pointed end.
  • The green covering on top of the water in the pond is algae.
  • The soldiers dismantled a gun of its covering.
  • Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.
  • Who's covering for you while you're away?
  • Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.
  • The police are covering all road out of town.
  • He pulled the plastic covering off the dead body.
  • He's always covering up for her.
  • I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.
  • Send your CV with a covering letter.
  • They rubberized the covering of the stage.
  • I'd just returned from covering the Cambodian war.
  • Several researchers have published articles covering this ground.
  • the sky was obscured by a covering of cloud
  • Years of practice covering for mom.
  • I have men covering the buildings.
  • Crass must have been covering it up.
  • Her covering was torn from her face.
  • Covering the face of the whole earth!.
  • Alan’s hand comes up, covering hers.
  • He’ll know she’s covering for me.
  • The Army was simply covering its ass.
  • Covering up the past when I was alone.
  • Covering my mouth, I entered the booth.
  • His teeth tore a hole in the covering.
  • International Version) has no covering.
  • He removed the dirt covering them and.
  • They’re covering me, Shapiro said.
  • What took more time was covering tracks.
  • a vinyl floor covering