curfew - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of curfew in Hindi

  • निषेधाज्ञा
  • कर्फ्यू
  • निषेधाज्ञा

curfew Definition


  • a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.

curfew Example

  • to be out after curfew without permission was to risk punishment ( बिना अनुमति कर्फ्यू के बाहर निकलना सजा का जोखिम था )
  • a dusk-to-dawn curfew ( सुबह से शाम तक कर्फ्यू )
  • the whole area was immediately placed under curfew ( पूरे इलाके में तुरंत कर्फ्यू लगा दिया गया )
  • His parents are really strict about his curfew. ( उनके माता-पिता उनके कर्फ्यू को लेकर वाकई सख्त हैं। )

More Sentence

  • The government has imposed a week long curfew during this time of unrest in the country.
  • Sally's parents are so laid back, they haven't even given her a curfew on school nights.
  • In other words, there will be no curfew.
  • Curfew was in one hour at eleven o'clock.
  • Darkness fell, and with it came the curfew.
  • I could stop there and still be home before curfew.
  • We didn’t know what a curfew was and were anxious.
  • Alexandra read until curfew and then turned out the.
  • There was a curfew in Hiro; we had to be back in camp by.
  • Before the curfew was imposed and the roadblocks went up.
  • He formed a curfew and put more restrictions on the people.
  • His grades have greatly improved since he has begun following his curfew.
  • John's curfew is 10:30, so he won't be able to go to a 10 o'clock movie.
  • Her parent's rule of a 9pm curfew seems very unreasonable to me.
  • Harry and his friends were almost discovered by the authorities when they broke curfew.
  • My parents gave me a curfew as soon as I got my driver's license.
  • Last month a curfew was enforced in our town.
  • I totally lost track of time, and I'm going to break my curfew tonight.
  • Samuel abides his parents decision about his curfew, albeit reluctantly
  • curfew bell.
  • After the riots, the whole town was placed under a curfew.
  • There are strict house rules: residents must perform chores, meet a curfew, and of course, no drugs or alcohol are permitted.
  • they had to return before the curfew sounded