consent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of consent in Hindi

  • सहमति
  • अनुज्ञा
  • मरज़ी
  • सम्मति
  • सम्मति देना
  • सहमत होना

consent Definition


  • permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.



  • give permission for something to happen.

consent Example

  • no change may be made without the consent of all the partners ( सभी भागीदारों की सहमति के बिना कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया जा सकता है )
  • He cajoled his parents into consent giving him money to buy a new car. ( उसने अपने माता-पिता को नई कार खरीदने के लिए पैसे देने के लिए राजी किया। )
  • It is by your consent that the world ex-. ( यह आपकी सहमति से है कि दुनिया पूर्व-। )
  • I can ask for consent to search if you want. ( यदि आप चाहें तो मैं खोज करने के लिए सहमति मांग सकता हूं। )
  • Without customer consent, the representative was not allowed to share information with the caller. ( ग्राहक की सहमति के बिना, प्रतिनिधि को कॉलर के साथ जानकारी साझा करने की अनुमति नहीं थी। )

More Sentence

  • Giving its consent it allowed them to speak.
  • Sex acts are given only with mutual consent.
  • Prince Andrew needed his father's consent to his marriage, and to obtain this he started for the country next day.
  • Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.
  • All persons under the age of eighteen must complete and mail a consent of minors use of the ice park in the box below.
  • We hope you will consent to act in his stead.
  • Of my consent that she should be your wife.
  • To this, he, for one, could never consent.
  • And what's more, it's with Mitya's consent.
  • Obviously with her consent and cooperation.
  • There were biographical forms and consent forms she hadn't really read, all signed in a loopy, angry signature, and a copy of Toby's birth certificate.
  • The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.
  • Subject to your consent, I will try again.
  • Mary's parents refused their consent to her marriage.
  • Can my child be medically examined without my consent?
  • The Post Office co-operated with the London County Council to put difficulties in the way of the company which had placed wires underground in London with the consent of the local road authorities.
  • He withheld his consent to the marriage.
  • You can't obtain my consent by force.
  • Do you have the consent of your employer?
  • Shakespeare is, by common consent, the greatest English dramatist.