black eye - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of black eye in Hindi

  • काली आँख


  • बुरी नाज़ार
  • चोट से नीले निशान से मंडित आँख

black eye Definition


  • a bruised and discolored area around the eye resulting from a blow. ( एक चोट के परिणामस्वरूप आंख के चारों ओर एक खरोंच और मलिनकिरण क्षेत्र। )
  • a mark or source of dishonor or shame. ( बेईमानी या शर्म का निशान या स्रोत। )

black eye Example

  • This film is as liable as its title for giving young African American males an even more pronounced black eye . ( यह फिल्म युवा अफ्रीकी अमेरिकी पुरुषों को एक और अधिक स्पष्ट काली आँख देने के लिए अपने शीर्षक के रूप में उतनी ही उत्तरदायी है। )
  • he had fouled three players, giving one of them a black eye ( उन्होंने तीन खिलाड़ियों को निकाल दिया था, जिनमें से एक को काली आँख दे दी थी )
  • The news of the cancellation has been a public relations black eye for the chess federation. ( निरस्तीकरण की खबर शतरंज संघ के लिए एक सार्वजनिक संबंध काली नजर रही है। )
  • She'd never given me a black eye or bruises that made it hurt to breathe. ( उसने मुझे कभी काली आँख या चोट नहीं दी, जिससे उसे सांस लेने में तकलीफ हुई। )
  • Mess with this country and you could end up with a very serious black eye . ( इस देश के साथ मेस और आप एक बहुत ही गंभीर काली आँख के साथ समाप्त हो सकते हैं। )
  • I quickly bent over Tristan, he had a black eye and some other bruises, but mostly he was fine. ( मैं जल्दी से ट्रिस्टन पर झुक गया, उसकी एक काली आंख और कुछ अन्य चोटें थीं, लेकिन ज्यादातर वह ठीक था। )
  • Dalton had a black eye and so did Ryan, along with several other bruises. ( डाल्टन की एक आंख थी और ऐसा ही रायन के साथ कई अन्य चोटियों में भी हुआ था। )
  • legislators have caused the state to suffer yet another black eye ( विधायकों ने राज्य को एक और काली नजर के कारण नुकसान पहुंचाया है )

More Sentence

  • Long gone are the days when rows involved only fisticuffs during which the most serious damage to be inflicted was a black eye or a bloody nose.
  • He also suffered a black eye and will need dental work for chipped teeth.
  • Magdalene had a broken arm and Jordan had a bruised lip and a black eye .
  • It's the kind of news if true that could be another black eye for the president's war policy.
  • The former power station worker ended up with a black eye , grazes and bruises to his elbow and arm, and a sore shoulder that still aches.
  • The man has a black eye and bruised face, while his wife has an injured neck and double vision.
  • She was later taken to hospital with multiple bruises and a black eye .
  • The victim, who suffered a black eye and bruising, was treated in hospital before being discharged.
  • It was my good luck that Dad hadn't hit me the day before but I still had a black eye and a few bruises from our last encounter.
  • But Steward has misgivings because of the black eye boxing could suffer if the champ goes wild in the ring.
  • it's gonna be a doozy of a black eye
  • The second man had a broken nose, three teeth knocked out, black eyes , cuts and bruising to the torso and knees.
  • She'd examine her face in the mirror, gently touching the bruises and the black eyes .
  • Witnesses said the two ladies were frequently seen with black eyes and bruises while living with him.
  • Her son, she said, had received two black eyes and a bump to the head, and was badly shaken by the experience.
  • The unprovoked assault left her with bruises and two black eyes .
  • Her parents didn't even notice the bruises or black eyes she received from them.
  • A boy of 14 was attacked a week ago near the post office and was treated in hospital for two black eyes and bruised ribs.
  • The victim displayed black eyes and facial bruises two days after the incident.
  • A woman passenger suffered two black eyes , a broken wrist and swollen ankle.