aerodynamics - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aerodynamics in Hindi

  • वायुगतिकी
  • वायुगति विज्ञान
  • वायु-गति-शास्र
  • वायु-गति-विज्ञान

aerodynamics Definition

  • the study of the properties of moving air, and especially of the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it. ( चलती हवा के गुणों का अध्ययन, और विशेष रूप से हवा और ठोस निकायों के बीच बातचीत के माध्यम से चलती है। )

aerodynamics Example

  • Although they were not aimed at maximum aerodynamics , they were designed to manage dynamic air pressure over their rear ends. ( यद्यपि वे अधिकतम वायुगतिकी के उद्देश्य से नहीं थे, वे अपने पीछे के छोरों पर गतिशील वायु दबाव का प्रबंधन करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए थे। )
  • Even the great 16th century artist Leonardo da Vinci made studies of aerodynamics and flying apparatus. ( यहां तक कि महान 16 वीं शताब्दी के कलाकार लियोनार्डो दा विंची ने वायुगतिकी और उड़ान तंत्र का अध्ययन किया। )
  • Students study subjects such as aerodynamics , aircraft electrical systems and avionics. ( छात्र वायुगतिकी, विमान इलेक्ट्रिकल सिस्टम और एवियोनिक्स जैसे विषयों का अध्ययन करते हैं। )
  • Or did so-called experts so completely misunderstand the aerodynamics of supersonic flight? ( या तथाकथित विशेषज्ञों ने सुपरसोनिक उड़ान के वायुगतिकी को पूरी तरह से गलत समझा? )

More Sentence

  • The science of aerodynamics is all about the flow of air around an object and the forces it exerts on that item.
  • the plane has the aerodynamics of a brick once the forward thrust is lost
  • Tyres, engines and aerodynamics will be different in 2005.
  • The University of Bath researchers are studying the complex aerodynamics needed to fly very small unmanned aircraft.
  • Hence, it must be that the ‘hypothesis’ that aircraft are borne through the air has the same standing in science as aerodynamics does.
  • Author weaves in accurate scientific descriptions of aerodynamics , electronics, electromagnetics, etc.
  • The fur on tennis balls and the stitching on baseballs also create turbulence, which similarly affects the aerodynamics .
  • Thanks to class-leading aerodynamics , wind noise is very low, while engine and road noises are also very effectively suppressed.
  • His secret is making the most efficient aerodynamics work well alongside things like suspension and ride.
  • A pilot needs to understand some basic aerodynamics .
  • It is a very cross-discipline technology with elements as diverse as mechanical, electronic and electrical, structural and aerodynamics .
  • But last week in testing we made some steps forward in terms of tyres and aerodynamics , so we should be strong here.
  • But the boom in major breakthroughs in the science of aerodynamics had dwindled.
  • The team has cut up cars and had engineers work on aerodynamics , but nothing has helped.
  • The most challenging elements of the new Technical Regulations are in the areas of aerodynamics and engine.
  • Their use of a wind tunnel helped define the science of aerodynamics and had influence far beyond their time.
  • Now there are shoes with anti-gravitational pull devices, shirts with air circulation systems and shorts with built-in aerodynamics .
  • It's just the way these cars are designed with the aerodynamics .
  • In the early 1890's Eiffel gave up the daily management of his business and became absorbed in the new science of aerodynamics .
  • We looked at aerodynamics , electronics and tyres.
  • The car incorporates lots of Formula One-style technology, from trick underfloor aerodynamics to special steering wheel controls.
  • Race cars are usually fitted with spoilers and ground effects to improve aerodynamics and thus, its acceleration and fuel economy.
  • That's about all I can really say about the aerodynamics .
  • It's got nothing to do with the efficient flow of air, which is what good aerodynamics is all about.
  • Increased demand is therefore placed on the cars’ braking efficiency, aerodynamics and engine power.
  • And you want it lowered when motoring on the highway for maximum aerodynamics .