loner - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of loner in Hindi


  • अविवाहित
  • कुंवारा

loner Definition


  • a person who prefers not to associate with others.

loner Example

  • my interest in birdwatching had made me a bit of a loner ( पक्षियों को देखने में मेरी दिलचस्पी ने मुझे थोड़ा अकेला कर दिया था )
  • Byrne was a loner and super cautious. ( बायरन एक अकेला और अत्यधिक सतर्क था। )
  • I wanted to be the same as everyone else but I couldn't be, so I became a loner. ( मैं हर किसी के जैसा बनना चाहता था लेकिन मैं नहीं हो सका, इसलिए मैं अकेला हो गया। )
  • Intrapersonal: Introverted and reserved, appears to be shy and a loner (इंट्रपर्सनल: अंतर्मुखी और आरक्षित, शर्मीला और अकेला प्रतीत होता है )

More Sentence

  • All of this added up to a dreary existence for young Sammy, who was by nature not quite the loner that circumstances made him be
  • My personality is basically a loner type
  • From childhood he had always been a loner – an oddball, some would say; never one of the gang, never part of the in-crowd
  • All his life a loner
  • Interestingly I read a report stating that none of the US Secret Service profiles of the loner or threatening person ever murdered a President before which made it totally wrong
  • This vamp wasn't a loner.
  • Cancer is a water sign, yet it isn't a loner like Pisces or passionate like Scorpio, the other water signs in the zodiac.
  • He was a loner and no one could recall him having contact with anyone else during his short stay.