blind - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blind in Hindi
- अंधा
- अंधा
- अन्धा
- विचारहीन
- विवेकशून्य
- अज्ञ
- नेत्रहीन
- बेपरवाह
- चकाचौंध में पड़ना
- आंख फूटना
- अंधा हो जाना
blind Definition
- unable to see; sightless. ( देखने में असमर्थ; अंधा। )
- lacking perception, awareness, or discernment. ( धारणा, जागरूकता, या विवेक की कमी। )
- concealed or closed, in particular. ( छुपा या बंद, विशेष रूप से। )
- (used in emphatic expressions) not the slightest. ( (जोरदार अभिव्यक्तियों में इस्तेमाल किया गया) मामूली नहीं। )
- drunk. ( नशे में। )
- people who are unable to see. ( जो लोग देखने में असमर्थ हैं। )
- an obstruction to sight or light, in particular. ( विशेष रूप से दृष्टि या प्रकाश में बाधा। )
- something designed to conceal one's real intentions. ( किसी के वास्तविक इरादों को छिपाने के लिए डिज़ाइन की गई चीज़। )
- a heavy drinking bout. ( एक भारी पीने का मुकाबला। )
- a legitimate business concealing a criminal enterprise. ( एक आपराधिक उद्यम को छिपाने वाला वैध व्यवसाय। )
- cause (someone) to be unable to see, permanently or temporarily. ( कारण (कोई) देखने में असमर्थ, स्थायी या अस्थायी रूप से। )
- deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception. ( समझ, निर्णय या धारणा से वंचित (कोई)। )
- without being able to see clearly. ( स्पष्ट रूप से देखने में सक्षम होने के बिना। )
blind Example
- Indeed, as I interviewed him I would go out of my way to point out to him that the tape recorder was running, lest he forget and, being blind , be unable to see the red recording light. ( वास्तव में, जैसा कि मैंने उनका साक्षात्कार किया था, मैं उस ओर इशारा करने के लिए अपने रास्ते से बाहर चला गया था कि टेप रिकॉर्डर चल रहा था, ऐसा न हो कि वह भूल जाए और अंधा होने के नाते, लाल रिकॉर्डिंग प्रकाश को देखने में असमर्थ हो। )
- Our advantages and disadvantages then, can be summarized as follows:… 6. Serves as a blind for the real project. ( हमारे फायदे और नुकसान तब निम्नानुसार संक्षेपित किए जा सकते हैं: ... 6. वास्तविक परियोजना के लिए एक अंधे के रूप में कार्य करता है। )
- Toby jumped off the couch in a blind fury and launched something at her wall. ( टोबी ने एक अंधा रोष में सोफे से कूद कर अपनी दीवार पर कुछ लॉन्च किया। )
- We consulted people on Goldiggers and the skatepark and then did not take a blind bit of notice of them. ( हमने गोल्डिगर्स और स्केटपार्क पर लोगों से परामर्श किया और फिर उनके बारे में जानकारी नहीं दी। )
- Such blind pools loose water by evaporation, or if below the water table remain as permanent bodies. ( ऐसे अंधे पूल वाष्पीकरण द्वारा पानी को ढीला कर देते हैं, या यदि नीचे पानी की मेज स्थायी निकायों के रूप में रहती है। )
- Miniature medical machines that can bring sight to the blind and computers that work at the speed of light are no longer the stuff of futuristic novels. ( लघु चिकित्सा मशीनें जो नेत्रहीन और कंप्यूटर को दृष्टि में ला सकती हैं जो प्रकाश की गति से काम करती हैं, अब भविष्य के उपन्यासों का सामान नहीं हैं। )
- Simply calling the big blind would make no sense if hands indeed ran close together in value. ( बस बड़े अंधे को बुलाने से कोई मतलब नहीं होगा अगर हाथ वास्तव में मूल्य में एक साथ बंद हो गए। )
- He showed you a few chords and that was it; an icon was born on that rooftop, a burning collection of meaningful words to give hope to the disaffected, purpose to the lost and sight to the blind . ( उसने आपको कुछ राग दिखाए और वह था; उस छत पर एक आइकन का जन्म हुआ, जो निराश, निराश और अंधे को दृष्टि देने के उद्देश्य से सार्थक शब्दों का एक जलता हुआ संग्रह है। )
- If you are playing blind you do not look at your cards, but leave them face down on the table. ( यदि आप अंधे खेल रहे हैं, तो आप अपने कार्ड को नहीं देखते हैं, लेकिन उन्हें टेबल पर नीचे छोड़ दें। )
More Sentence
- The blind covering the reception window was firmly down.
- The skates did feel slightly lighter, but I'm convinced that was only placebo effect - I bet that I'd not be able to tell the difference in a blind test.
- Its members rarely published any verse or stories for adult market publications, and wrote instead for children's magazines, a blind for some of the most experimental work in the Stalinist era.
- It was this military system that Braille adapted for the blind .
- Such reactions either blind them to what you're trying to get across, or they go away so worried that they don't function effectively for days.
- Papa and Mama Aven use their quiet bookstore as a blind for smuggling diamonds.
- Science journal Nature chose 50 science articles from both Encyclopedia Britanica and gave peer reviewers a blind test to find mistakes.
- When scientists criticize these ideas, they often start talking about blind tests and repeatability and so forth.
- Now, was she heading towards the blind bend in the road or was she going away from it?
- The club, based in Tottington, was founded by Derek Pritchard, 64, who is almost totally blind because of a hereditary eye condition.
- One can only, most favorably, conclude that Ford is travelling blind .
- If you're miserable on the inside, a teeny-weeny nose or super-duper frontage is not going to make a blind bit of difference.
- In other research some experienced wine drinkers in a blind test were unable to tell a red from a white.
- This could be nerve-racking for the pilot while the copilot made blind takeoffs.
- On the left just above the logo is a shop blind that used to protect the meat in the window display from sunshine.
- I left academia because I was frustrated having so many patients go blind from these terrible diseases.
- For example, a royal court would blind or cut off the hand of a thief; a Church court might send a thief on a pilgrimage.
- Look at his robe there, the man's blind with rut.
- Reports have suggested that only a small proportion of those who claimed to suffer from wheat intolerance showed any symptoms in blind tests.
- Some true believers on one side have been unable to free themselves from a sense of blind loyalty to the past, ill-founded as it is in whole or in part.
- To explain: if you're listening to songs blind , you really need two functions: next, and play/stop.