widowed - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of widowed in Hindi
- विधवा
widowed Definition
- become a widow or widower; lose one's spouse through death.
widowed Example
- Cynthia's widowed mother was a librarian in a small Indiana town. ( सिंथिया की विधवा मां इंडियाना के एक छोटे से शहर में लाइब्रेरियन थीं। )
- Soon after, she became widowed after losing her husband suddenly. ( इसके तुरंत बाद, वह अचानक अपने पति को खोने के बाद विधवा हो गई। )
- Alford's early years were passed with his widowed father, who was curate of Steeple Ashton in Wiltshire. ( अल्फोर्ड के प्रारंभिक वर्ष उनके विधवा पिता के साथ गुजरे, जो विल्टशायर में स्टीपल एश्टन के क्यूरेट थे। )
- By contrast, the widowed countess Isabel lacked her late husband's political clout. ( इसके विपरीत, विधवा काउंटेस इसाबेल के पास अपने दिवंगत पति के राजनीतिक दबदबे का अभाव था। )
More Sentence
- It is Diamond Jubilee Year, and the Duchess of Albany, Queen Victoria's widowed daughter-in-law, is to perform the opening ceremony.
- More and more young men are widowed by cancer.
- She was widowed when she was 35.
- The widowed mother reared up the two children.
- He was widowed at the age of 52.
- She was widowed at the age of 25.
- Widowed in 1949, Mrs Hayes never remarried.
- Imogen stayed with her widowed sister.
- The employment of children under fourteen years of age in any factory, workshop, mercantile establishment, store, business office, telegraph or telephone office, restaurant, hotel, apartment house, club, theatre, bootblack stand, or in the distribution or transmission of merchandise or messages is forbidden, except that a child between twelve and fourteen years of age may with the permission of the judge of the juvenile court be employed at an occupation not dangerous or injurious to his health or morals if necessary for his support or for the assistance of a disabled, ill or invalid parent, a younger brother or sister, or a widowed mother.
- The greater part of that winter he spent at Abury Hatch, in Epping Forest, with his widowed daughter, Constance Alleyn, and was too ill to preach before the king at Christmas.
- Our sympathies are quickened and go out to her sorrowing relatives and especially to her husband and widowed mother.
- Jacob is a widowed father with two children who places an advertisement for a wife and mother.
- Widowed persons need to know the date and city in which they were widowed.