balance - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of balance in Hindi
- संतुलन
- बैलेंस
- शेष
- तराजू
- मीज़ान
- तुलाराशि
- देय राशि
- रोकड़-बाक़ी
- संतुलित करना
- तौलना
- रोकड़-बाक़ी थीक करना
- रोकड़ बाकी मिलाना
- तोल करना
balance Definition
- an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. ( किसी को या किसी चीज को सीधा और स्थिर रखने के लिए वजन का समान वितरण। )
- a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. ( एक ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें विभिन्न तत्व समान या सही अनुपात में होते हैं। )
- an apparatus for weighing, especially one with a central pivot, beam, and a pair of scales. ( वजन के लिए एक उपकरण, विशेष रूप से एक केंद्रीय धुरी, बीम और तराजू की एक जोड़ी के साथ। )
- a counteracting weight or force. ( एक प्रतिकार भार या बल। )
- a predominating weight or amount; the majority. ( एक पूर्ववर्ती वजन या राशि; बहुमत। )
- a figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account; the amount of money held in an account. ( किसी खाते में क्रेडिट और डेबिट के बीच अंतर का प्रतिनिधित्व करने वाला एक आंकड़ा; किसी खाते में रखी गई धनराशि। )
- keep or put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall. ( स्थिर स्थिति में रखें या रखें (कुछ) ताकि यह गिर न जाए। )
- offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another. ( किसी अन्य के साथ (एक चीज़) के मूल्य की ऑफसेट या तुलना करें। )
- compare debits and credits in (an account), typically to ensure that they are equal. ( (एक खाते में) डेबिट और क्रेडिट की तुलना करें, आमतौर पर यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि वे समान हैं। )
balance Example
- He uses the balance scale in the decision aid as a starting point to focus discussion. ( वह चर्चा में ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए एक प्रारंभिक बिंदु के रूप में निर्णय सहायता में संतुलन पैमाने का उपयोग करता है। )
- What is the correct balance between these competing factors? ( इन प्रतिस्पर्धी कारकों के बीच सही संतुलन क्या है? )
- Even if that entire amount were applied to the bill, paying off the balance would take 20 years. ( भले ही उस पूरी राशि को बिल में लागू किया गया हो, शेष राशि का भुगतान करने में 20 वर्ष लगेंगे। )
- The total membrane area is a sensitive diagnosis for the force balance within the membrane. ( कुल झिल्ली क्षेत्र झिल्ली के भीतर बल संतुलन के लिए एक संवेदनशील निदान है। )
- a surplus on the capital account to make the account balance ( खाता संतुलन बनाने के लिए पूंजी खाते पर अधिशेष )
- The suspension system has been upgraded and the hybrid engine moved back to achieve better front-to-rear weight balance . ( निलंबन प्रणाली को उन्नत किया गया है और बेहतर फ्रंट-टू-रियर वज़न संतुलन प्राप्त करने के लिए हाइब्रिड इंजन वापस चला गया। )
More Sentence
- The balance of the first half saw the Suns camped firmly in their defensive half with the Lions unlucky not to break the deadlock by half time.
- So if he sees staffers putting in lengthy hours at the office, he doesn't hesitate to take steps to make sure their home lives remain in balance .
- By widening his stance, Jones has improved his balance , enabling him to be less jumpy and more selective.
- A man who had lost his mental balance was wandering without clothes.
- His balance enables him to ride horses with his toes barely in the stirrup.
- As he stepped back outside, Blair was there, laying a hand on the body to steady Jim's balance during the short walk to the shallow grave.
- It therefore set off without notice the credit balance in the current account against the sum due under the loan account.
- To balance the account, the shopkeeper paid him the excess in cash.
- The balance of this brief will consist of two sections.
- This portrait visualized the sense of order and balance , by the organization of line, expression of the figure and his gesture.
- When the corporate plan was terminated after four years, Plotkin paid tax on the unpaid loan balance with his income tax return.
- Opposites and balance of course figure prominently in Taoism, friend of the yin yang and the five elements.
- When setting up your speakers and audio system, the Speaker Wizard guides you through it and helps you adjust balance and fade controls.
- Which is understandable, but a touch of balance would make him sound a tad more professional and perhaps make it possible to listen to him without cringing.
- The question of whether English law strikes the correct balance between concerns of free speech and the protection of reputations may now be considered.
- The balance of shares is held by approximately 170 shareholders.
- she lost her balance before falling
- Parmentier offers us a level of detail and balance of voices not found on any other recordings.
- When your emotional balance stabilizes, you may think differently.
- Such a dynamic balancing process does not assume the existence or practicality of achieving an optimal emotional balance .
- His range of bats includes the ProSelect, ProElite and ProBlanco, which differ in balance and weight.
- Students find that classes that meet every other week or so seem to strike the correct balance between isolation and overload.
- Strachan has worked hard to instill the right mental balance in his side.
- What rate of GDP expansion would today be necessary to balance the California budget?