excruciating - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of excruciating in Hindi


  • कष्टदायी
  • यंत्रणादायक
  • पीड़ाप्रद
  • अत्यंत दर्दनाक

excruciating Definition


  • intensely painful.

excruciating Example

  • excruciating boredom ( कष्टदायी ऊब )
  • She was weak and the pain was excruciating, but she was determined to go home. ( वह कमजोर थी और दर्द असहनीय था, लेकिन उसने घर जाने की ठान ली थी। )
  • Drowsiness was irresistibly mastering him, but he kept awake by an excruciating pain in his arm, for which he could find no satisfactory position. ( तंद्रा उस पर अथक रूप से हावी हो रही थी, लेकिन वह अपनी बांह में एक दर्दनाक दर्द से जागता रहा, जिसके लिए उसे कोई संतोषजनक स्थिति नहीं मिली। )
  • While the fools looked for my car nearby, I, in spite of excruciating pain, managed to escape their feeble efforts to find me. ( जब मूर्खों ने मेरी कार को पास ही ढूंढ़ा, तो मैं भीषण दर्द के बावजूद, मुझे खोजने के उनके कमजोर प्रयासों से बचने में सफल रहा। )
  • Walking tomorrow would be excruciating. ( कल चलना कष्टदायी होगा। )

More Sentence

  • The level of throat pain varies from uncomfortable to excruciating, when it is painful for the patient to eat, breathe, swallow, or speak.
  • She tried to stand, but the pain was excruciating.
  • Watching this organizing committee learn by bloodied nose has been excruciating.
  • It's difficult to see excruciating in a sentence .
  • "It can be excruciating, " added Thorson.
  • The days and nights pass with a slowness that is excruciating.
  • Each went through weeks of excruciating burn therapy in the hospital.
  • His ambivalence throughout the process seemed excruciating for the straightforward Parker.
  • He had excruciating pain and became gravely ill but eventually recovered.
  • He knew the treatment would be excruciating and might kill him.
  • But in summer, leather can be excruciating.
  • I have been regaled with numerous accounts of the excruciating pain of passing stones.
  • Stingray venom produces immediate, excruciating pain that lasts several hours.
  • For some people, a breakup can be so excruciating that they just can't seem to function on a day to day basis.
  • excruciating back pain