disband - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of disband in Hindi
- उखड़ना
- तोड़ना
- तोड़ देना
- लाड़ प्यार से बिगाड़ना
- बिखरना
- सेना तोड़ना
- चला जाना
- सेना भंग करना
- बरख़ास्त करना
- भंग करना
- विच्छिन्न करना
- बिखेरना
- विघटित करना
disband Definition
- (of an organized group) break up or cause to break up and stop functioning.
disband Example
- In 50 the senate by a very large majority revoked the extraordinary powers conceded to Pompey and Caesar in Spain and Gaul respectively, and called upon them to disband their armies. ( 50 में सीनेट ने बहुत बड़े बहुमत से क्रमशः स्पेन और गॉल में पोम्पी और सीज़र को दी गई असाधारण शक्तियों को रद्द कर दिया, और उनसे अपनी सेनाओं को भंग करने का आह्वान किया। )
- The peers rejected the law of inheritance and the press law; it was found necessary to disband the National Guard; and in November 1827 seventy-six new peers were created, and recourse was had to a general election. ( साथियों ने विरासत के कानून और प्रेस कानून को खारिज कर दिया; नेशनल गार्ड को भंग करना आवश्यक पाया गया; और नवंबर १८२७ में छिहत्तर नए साथियों का निर्माण हुआ, और आम चुनाव के लिए सहारा लेना पड़ा। )
- You don't just disband them and shoo them away. ( आप केवल उन्हें भंग नहीं करते हैं और उन्हें दूर भगाते हैं। )
- The ensemble will disband and Hall will once again turn itinerant. ( पहनावा भंग हो जाएगा और हॉल एक बार फिर से यात्रा करने वाला हो जाएगा। )
More Sentence
- Yeltsin's comment referred to his power to disband parliament.
- Failure of that motion would have allowed Yeltsin to disband parliament.
- Orders to disband came days before the first American troops landed.
- Police fired volleys of tear gas when students refused to disband.
- A strife arose between Hamilton, who wished to disband the Covenanting army, and Argyll, and gradually the struggle was between Hamilton and the sympathizers with the imprisoned king and Argyll at the head of (or under the heels of) the more fanatical preachers and Presbyterians.
- As civil war appeared imminent, Canning despatched 5000 British troops under Sir William Clinton to restore order, and to disband the troops under Chaves.
- He threatened to disband parliament if they fail to approve him.
- Originally, Yeltsin threatened to disband parliament if it rejected Kiriyenko.
- Indonesia, in turn, pledged to disband virtually all monopolies.
- Yeltsin is threatening to disband parliament if they reject Kiriyenko again.
- Police had to disband the crowd to allow the president through.
- We call on all armed groups to disarm and disband voluntarily.
- Consequently he had to agree to the temporary Austrian occupation of the territory comprised within the Po, the Sesia and the Ticino, and of half the citadel of Alessandria, to disband his Lombard, Polish and Hungarian volunteers, and to withdraw his fleet from the Adriatic; but he secured an amnesty for all the Lombards compromised in the recent revolution, having even threatened to go to war again if it were not granted.
- Government should disband all of its military camp set ups in different foreign countries the world over at once.
- When he was at peace, which he was very seldom, and never for any long time together, he was careful not to disband that army.
- Without a tenacious leader to rally them, they would disband within minutes and trickle off into homes, bars, and hotel rooms.
- Still less effective will be the advice to governments to disband armies and have recourse to International Courts of Arbitration.
- Still less effective will be the recommendations to governments to disband their armies and replace them by international boards of arbitration.
- The Bohemian army refused to cross the Saxon frontier, and towards the end of the year 1546 Ferdinand was obliged to disband his Bohemian forces.
- He appears to have aspired to found an independent monarchy, and to that end endeavoured to disband all forces except those which were exclusively under his own control.
- Amir Khan consented to disband his army, on condition of being guaranteed the possession of what is now the principality of Tonk.