default - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of default in Hindi

  • चूक
  •  अभाव
  • दोष
  • अनुपस्थिति
  • अपराध
  • कमी
  • न्यूनता
  • चूकना
  • पैरवी न करना
  • अदालत में अनुपस्थित होना
  • बाद पर स्र्पया न चुकाना
  • भूल-चूक
  • व्यतिक्रम
  • अप्राप्ति

default Definition


  • failure to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan or appear in a court of law.
  • a preselected option adopted by a computer program or other mechanism when no alternative is specified by the user or programmer.


  • fail to fulfill an obligation, especially to repay a loan or to appear in a court of law.
  • (of a computer program or other mechanism) revert automatically to (a preselected option).

default Example

  • default setting ( डिफ़ॉल्ट सेटिंग) 
  • when you start a fresh letter the system will default to its own style ( जब आप एक नया अक्षर शुरू करते हैं तो सिस्टम अपनी शैली में डिफ़ॉल्ट हो जाएगा )
  • all my life, envy has been my default emotion ( मेरा सारा जीवन, ईर्ष्या मेरी डिफ़ॉल्ट भावना रही है )
  • In default of due payment, their lands were liable to be sold to the highest bidder. ( देय भुगतान में चूक करने पर, उनकी भूमि उच्चतम बोली लगाने वाले को बेची जाने के लिए उत्तरदायी थी। )

More Sentence

  • He was the default for most of the decisions she felt uncomfortable about making, but those decisions rarely included the children.
  • The bank will repossess your car if you default on your loan payments.  
  • According to my religious grandmother, you default on your commitment to God when you file for divorce.  
  • John is going to intentionally default on his student loan repayments in order to buy a motorcycle.  
  • c. 32) his majesty is enabled to remit wholly or in part any sum of money imposed upon conviction, and, if the offender has been imprisoned in default of payment, to extend to him the royal mercy.
  • in 1833, when, in default of male heirs, his brother Don Carlos claimed the throne, confirmed the Basque fueros, and raised the standard of revolt against his niece, Isabel II.
  • I sort of got roped into this mess by default.
  • It didn't give her much pleasure to win by default.
  • In default of legislation the necessary measures are taken by decree of the head of the state; these decrees having the force of law.
  • assumed by default.
  • His face is increasingly frozen in a grotesque rictus of appalled indignation, which seems to be his default response to the world.  
  • And the players would be free to walk away if the club were to default on their wages on Friday.  
  • Naturally the BIOS of the motherboard has the clock throttling feature enabled, as its disabled by default
  • Though indefinite by default, the absolute quantifiers can be rendered definite through the use of a definite determiner.  
  • Many of these systems have default admin accounts, non-updated software, no security patches, etc.
  • Once you create the worker thread, you can queue work in a fashion similar to how work is queued with the default worker thread.  
  • So it would be a dire mistake to allow, by default, jingoism to become synonymous with patriotism and the American spirit.
  • it will have to restructure its debts to avoid default
  • SSRIs have become the default for adults with depression
  • the default is fifty lines