deconstruct - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of deconstruct in Hindi
- पुनर्निर्माण करना
deconstruct Definition
- analyze (a text or a linguistic or conceptual system) by deconstruction, typically in order to expose its hidden internal assumptions and contradictions and subvert its apparent significance or unity.
deconstruct Example
- do we need to deconstruct all the institutions that we've created in order to improve them? ( क्या हमें उन सभी संस्थाओं को फिर से बनाने की ज़रूरत है जिन्हें हमने उन्हें सुधारने के लिए बनाया है? )
- Photo Sensitive Materials: This technology is designed to break down plastics, photo-sensitive biodegradables deconstruct when exposed to ultraviolet light. ( फोटो संवेदनशील सामग्री: इस तकनीक को प्लास्टिक को तोड़ने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, फोटो-संवेदनशील बायोडिग्रेडेबल्स पराबैंगनी प्रकाश के संपर्क में आने पर विघटित हो जाते हैं। )
- deconstruct the concept of the (legal) subject. ( (कानूनी) विषय की अवधारणा का पुनर्निर्माण करें। )
- deconstruct the way I work. ( मेरे काम करने के तरीके का पुनर्निर्माण करें। )
More Sentence
- deconstruct the myths that people have about the city.
- Biodegradable products are available in a number of materials that use different technologies to deconstruct them for faster and easier integration into surrounding ecosystems.
- More recent biographers have tried to deconstruct these potent myths.
- Dole must also begin to deconstruct the Buchanan appeal on social issues.
- Klein finds that he has to deconstruct his book's conclusions.
- Some bands just deconstruct, and that's fine.
- She gets to deconstruct and critique the language of her own diagnosis.
- It's difficult to see deconstruct in a sentence .
- We tried to parse and deconstruct Jeter's statement.
- Other passages were edited to deconstruct white visual traditions and white ideologies.
- It deconstructs complex genotypes, allowing the creation of novel gene combinations.
- Or else, equally ironically, we are deconstructing that which neoliberalism is itself already attempting to deconstruct in even more radical ways.
- deconstruct the notion of " learning how to learn "?
- deconstruct media texts, how to plan, produce and evaluate a range of media texts.
- then deconstruct the marked up document into a series of element definitions in a separate file.
- Even postmodernism, which is supposed to playfully deconstruct or reassemble the elements of the past, has frequently been reduced to a method.
- she likes to deconstruct the texts, to uncover what they are not saying