branding iron - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of branding iron in Hindi
- दागने का लोहा
branding iron Definition
- a metal implement that is heated and used to brand livestock or (especially formerly) criminals or slaves. ( एक धातु कार्यान्वयन जिसे गर्म किया जाता है और जिसका उपयोग पशुधन या (विशेष रूप से पूर्व में) अपराधियों या दासों के लिए किया जाता है। )
branding iron Example
- It was etched in with a branding iron , never to be forgotten. ( यह एक ब्रांडिंग लोहे के साथ बनाया गया था, कभी नहीं भूलना चाहिए। )
- The slave trade is also explored through a selection of sometimes harrowing photographs: a coffle chain with shackles, the Cape Coast dungeon doors in Ghana, and a slave branding iron . ( गुलामों के व्यापार को कभी-कभी परेशान करने वाली तस्वीरों के चयन के माध्यम से भी पता लगाया जाता है: झोंपड़ियों के साथ एक कोफ़ल श्रृंखला, घाना में केप कोस्ट कालकोठरी के दरवाजे और एक दास ब्रांडिंग लोहा। )
- Then he looked up sharply and said a few words that might have been, for the impact they had, imprinted on my brain with a branding iron . ( फिर उसने तेजी से देखा और कुछ शब्द कहे जो शायद उनके पास थे, एक ब्रांड के लोहे के साथ मेरे मस्तिष्क पर छाप। )
- Putting a red-hot branding iron to an animal's flesh must be excruciating! ( एक जानवर के मांस के लिए लाल-गर्म ब्रांडिंग लोहे को डालना आवश्यक है! )
- If owners had the choice of identification then this would certainly save some ponies from the branding iron . ( यदि मालिकों के पास पहचान का विकल्प होता है, तो यह निश्चित रूप से कुछ टट्टूओं को ब्रांडिंग लोहे से बचाएगा। )
More Sentence
- Something that burned worse than a red-hot branding iron lodged itself in her left leg, and she snarled, hissed, and yelped in pain.
- ‘OK honey, don't forget your branding iron ,’ she calls perkily.
- We've got replica handcuffs, manacles, thumb screws, a branding iron and even a scold's bridle, a metal head cage often used to punish and humiliate gossips to stop them from talking!
- They therefore branded their animals with a branding iron , leaving an indelible mark which would clearly identify to whom a particular animal belonged.
- Later Charley and my husband heated branding irons and burned as many brands as they could remember all over the logs.
- It was made of books, she found, and clothes, and branding irons , and long thin strips of ribbon that could have easily bound someone to a chair.
- Expert ropers caught the calves with a loop around their hind legs and dragged them out of the herd to the fires where the branding irons were heating.
- Inside the workshop (basically a barn with corrugated iron roof, one of the higher-end buildings in a region of thatched farm cuts), a dozen or so men were busy cutting leather, tracing patterns, and heating branding irons .
- Others employed guards or fenced their lands, but local people bribed guards, cut fencing, or illegally made copies of Veterinary Department branding irons .
- They come again with branding irons and chains, and if their lips still promise liberty, slavery hides in their secret, constant thought.
- Then the apparatus of power comprised stocks, ducking stools, branding irons and the omnipresent shadow of the gallows.
- To get the best brands, we hold the cooled branding irons on the hide for 60 seconds.
- In the winter of his twenty-fifth year, a hunting party from town came with flaming torches and anger as hot as branding irons .
- And when Elizabeth was merely in a bad mood, she used branding irons , razors, pincers and torches.
- Wyllie writes, ‘Locally these barrel stencils, which replaced the earlier branding irons , are still fairly common.’