dawdle - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of dawdle in Hindi
- समय नष्ट करना
- सुस्ती में समय बिताना
- अलस्य में समय बिताना
- सुस्ती में वक़्त गंवाना
- आलस्य में वक़्त गंवाना
- समय गँवाना
- आवारगी
dawdle Definition
- waste time; be slow.
dawdle Example
- I couldn't dawdle over my coffee any longer ( मैं अब अपनी कॉफी पर ध्यान नहीं दे सकता था )
- Teenagers will often dawdle when doing chores they hate. ( किशोर अक्सर ऐसे काम करते हैं जिनसे वे नफरत करते हैं। )
- While many people are quick to ask for help, they dawdle when help is needed. ( जबकि बहुत से लोग मदद माँगने के लिए तत्पर होते हैं, लेकिन जब मदद की ज़रूरत होती है तो वे झिझकते हैं। )
- My biggest concern about the class project is that my group will dawdle and not finish on time. ( कक्षा परियोजना के बारे में मेरी सबसे बड़ी चिंता यह है कि मेरा समूह समय पर समाप्त नहीं होगा और डगमगाएगा। )
More Sentence
- If it had not been for Dodds, he might have been with them now, instead of dawdling away the whole of the morning doing nothing.
- These favourites, men like the fat La Tremouille, found their profit in dawdling and delaying, as politicians generally do.
- Because the test is so long, students should not dawdle on the questions.
- My children often dawdle when it is time to eat their vegetables.
- If the servers dawdle when delivering orders, they will find themselves with a bunch of angry customers.
- Because Jason did not want to dawdle in winning Ann’s affection, he gave her roses and chocolate on the first date.
- Not take it away! Come on bring it in, bring it in, don't dawdle in the hall! Hurry up now.
- We fly it in five hours, drive it in a week, dawdle it as I was doing in a month or six weeks.
- The vacation is nearly over, the stints are all done, and we are ever so glad that we didn't dawdle.
- I hope I shall have done something to be proud of by that time, but I'm such a lazy dog, I'm afraid I shall dawdle, Jo.
- I dawdle outside the bathroom until the Candor man walks out, and then walk in before the door has a chance to shut properly.
- Do not dawdle and let your gift certificate expire before you use it.
- Since most people hate to give away their money, they tend to dawdle when it is time to pay bills and taxes.
- The horses are dawdling home to the farm.
- Not another minute of dawdling till you write that thesis!
- Holidaymakers were dawdling over hotel breakfasts and asking themselves whether today would bring a repeat of yesterday’s sunshine.
- Hurry up! Quit dawdling!
- He has been dawdling his time away.
- They had been dawdling over the dishes , and their eyes had frequently met.
- Stop dawdling and finish your work!
- The cow was dawdling the fields.
- If you keep dawdling along, you will surely be fired.
- If you go on dawdling like this , when will you ever be able to finish?
- Stop dawdling, keep revising, as examination is approaching.TranslateEN.com
- I’ve yet to see him dithering and dawdling over anything!
- It was all because of your dawdling that we were late.
- Come along now , let’s have no more dawdling.
- The camel is dawdling along the sandy path.
- He suggested dawdling awhile; but she would not.
- Kate was dawdling on the lawn as the two returned to the house.
- Mrs Fred sat dawdling opposite her husband over some wretched fancy-work.