economize - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of economize in Hindi

  • बचत
  • अधिकाधिक लाभ उठाना
  • कम खर्च करना
  • मितव्यय करना
  • मितव्ययी होना
  • खर्च घटा देना

economize Definition


  • spend less; reduce one's expenses.

economize Example

  • I have to economize where I can ( जहां मैं कर सकता हूं वहां मुझे खर्च करना होगा )
  • When loaded by shovel the car is made low to economize labour. ( जब फावड़ा से लोड किया जाता है तो श्रम को कम करने के लिए कार को कम किया जाता है। )
  • This type of structure, which is extremely various in its details, is found especially, as we should expect, in plants which have to economize their water supply. ( इस प्रकार की संरचना, जो अपने विवरण में अत्यंत विविध है, विशेष रूप से, जैसा कि हमें उम्मीद करनी चाहिए, पौधों में पाया जाता है, जिन्हें अपनी जल आपूर्ति को कम करना पड़ता है। )  

More Sentence

  • From this post he was unceremoniously dismissed in 1879 by the European controllers of the public revenues, determined to economize at all hazards; and French influence prevented his succeeding his friend Mariette at the Bulaq Museum in 1883.
    • Although everyone wants their child to be well-dressed, the speed with which girls outgrow clothing means you want to try and economize where possible.
  • You see I am obliged to economize, in case your prosperity should cease.
  • Let us economize all that; the guard is below; march on instantly, or you'll get the thumbscrews!.
  • Don't economize on the nuptials, do not prune them of their splendors; don't scrimp on the day when you beam.
  • Each person who grazes his cattle on the ‘free’ collective land—the commons—has no incentive to economize on the land.
  • When the agents of the spinners, that is, the buying brokers, by becoming principals in some transactions, had acquired interests diametrically opposed to those of their customers, the consequent feeling of distrust among spinners gave birth to the Cotton Buying Company, which, constituted originally of twenty to thrity limited cotton-spinning companies, represents to-day nearly 6,000,000 spindles distributed among nearly one hundred firms. Its object was to squeeze out some middlemen and economize for its members on brokerage.
  • people on low incomes may try to economize on fuel