assertive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of assertive in Hindi

  • मुखर
  • दबंग
  • स्‍वत्‍वसूचक
  • अधिकार-द्योतक
  • स्वीकारात्मक
  • इक़रारी

assertive Definition

  • having or showing a confident and forceful personality. ( आत्मविश्वास और जबरदस्त व्यक्तित्व होना। )

assertive Example

  • Not being the most assertive of people even at the best of times, I made my excuses. ( लोगों के सबसे अच्छे समय में भी सबसे मुखर नहीं होने के कारण, मैंने अपना बहाना बनाया। )
  • I have no problem in chatting up beautiful women, and I am in certain cases the assertive alpha male. ( मुझे खूबसूरत महिलाओं को चैट करने में कोई समस्या नहीं है, और मैं कुछ मामलों में मुखर अल्फा पुरुष हूं। )
  • An assertive person makes his or her feelings known but remains in control of the situation. ( एक मुखर व्यक्ति अपनी भावनाओं को जानता है लेकिन स्थिति को नियंत्रित करता है। )
  • We just have to push a little harder, be a little more assertive , and I think we can pull it off. ( हमें बस थोड़ा कठिन धक्का देना है, थोड़ा और मुखर होना है, और मुझे लगता है कि हम इसे हटा सकते हैं। )
  • In future we are going to see a much more assertive parliament. ( भविष्य में हम बहुत अधिक मुखर संसद देखने जा रहे हैं। )
  • They reported increased confidence in being more assertive with patients. ( उन्होंने रोगियों के साथ अधिक मुखर होने में विश्वास बढ़ाने की सूचना दी। )
  • Mothers should train their daughters from a young age to protect themselves so that they grow up to be assertive . ( माताओं को अपनी रक्षा के लिए अपनी बेटियों को कम उम्र से प्रशिक्षित करना चाहिए ताकि वे बड़ी होकर मुखर हो सकें। )
  • The sheep, popularly incapable of individual decision, appears quite assertive . ( भेड़, जो व्यक्तिगत निर्णय लेने में असमर्थ है, काफी मुखर दिखाई देती है। )

More Sentence

  • He insists that while assertive management is needed, there is no place for aggression or bullying.
  • Expressing your anger in an assertive , not aggressive, manner is the healthiest way to let out anger.
  • With other less assertive bird species, the young can be moved from the ground and placed close to the parents.
  • I have become more assertive and self assured, and have found strengths within myself which I did not know existed.
  • It would take only an assertive patient and a confident healthcare provider who is willing to listen.
  • On top of abuse, midwives also face a far more assertive and confident middle class mother than they did even 15 years ago.
  • Another firm, assertive phone call heads my to-do list for tomorrow.
  • You are assertive , bold and energetic, and this helps you move closer towards your goals.
  • Although quite small, the seven-year-old has become a remarkably assertive traveler.
  • Women tend to be far more assertive with their trolleys than men.
  • The Emperor is often associated with Aries, which is a strong and assertive astrological fire sign.
  • It showed that she was finding it very hard to be assertive , and her son was confused by his mother's contradictory signals.
  • It is a reflection and measure of growing confidence and assertiveness of the lesbian and gay communities.
  • He holds out the glass assertively , as if to demonstrate his rejection of fundamentalist restraints.
  • The assertiveness required of a self-respecting man was frowned on in slaves and women.
  • The hostility-reduction intervention included teaching them skills for expressing anger more appropriately and more assertively .
  • It's about assertiveness and confidence building, not just lifting weights.
  • We emptied wine bottles and talked about ourselves, taking it in turns to nod assertively at each other's observations.
  • Asking for what we want can be a powerful way to build our self-confidence, assertiveness and keep us on track.
  • He or she exudes self-confidence, assertiveness , and a willingness to take risks.
  • I raised my voice and assertively directed him to move.
  • Rather than getting into a shouting match, he recommends taking three deep breaths, changing your environment or making your point assertively but calmly.