higher - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of higher in Hindi
- उच्चतर
- से उच्च
- उच्चतम
- से ऊंचा
- सब से ऊंचा
- सब से उच्च
- बढ़िया
higher Definition
- the comparative of high
higher Example
- He loved to climb hills, the higher the better. ( उसे पहाड़ियों पर चढ़ना पसंद था, जितना ऊँचा, उतना अच्छा। )
- At least I serve a higher cause than myself. ( कम से कम मैं अपने से ऊंचे उद्देश्य की सेवा करता हूं। )
- This is so much higher than my grade level I'm getting a nose bleed. ( यह मेरे ग्रेड स्तर से बहुत अधिक है, मुझे नाक से खून आ रहा है। )
- They climbed higher, circling the open area in front of the entrance, but still saw nothing. ( वे प्रवेश द्वार के सामने खुले क्षेत्र का चक्कर लगाते हुए ऊंचे चढ़ गए, लेकिन फिर भी कुछ नहीं देखा। )
More Sentence
- It went higher and higher.
- There we slipped carefully to higher ground.
- Is it higher in air than in a denser medium?
- Her next warning came from a higher quarter.
- And before us the mountains still rise higher and higher.
- We are governed by a higher Power.
- I raise my brow a little higher.
- Higher than a usual life itself.
- It represents your higher Self.
- To enter a higher rank, one is.
- One lives on a higher standard.
- It should be higher they claim.
- Personal property is a higher.
- You cannot marry into a higher rung on the ladder.
- Dean repeated at a higher volume.
- It was high, much higher than he could reach.
- It must be remembered that speech contributed in no way to her fundamental education, though without the ability to speak she could hardly have gone to higher schools and to college.
- The air was heavy and fragrant, the wet, solid sand near the ocean welcome after her initial attempt to keep up in the sugary sand higher up the beach.
- The higher on your back it is, the easier to carry, Mrs. Watson instructed.