soothing - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of soothing in Hindi

  • सुखदायक
  • शांतिदायक
  • संतुष्ट करनेवाला
  • पीड़ा हटानेवाला
  • प्रसन्न करनेवाला

soothing Definition


having a gently calming effect. ( धीरे शांत प्रभाव होने। )


gently calm (a person or their feelings). ( धीरे से शांत (एक व्यक्ति या उनकी भावनाओं)। )

soothing Example

  • Aloe vera is an ideal toner because it is soothing and healing. ( मुसब्बर वेरा एक आदर्श टोनर है क्योंकि यह सुखदायक और उपचार है। )
  • The flavour here is deliberately mild and soothing . ( यहाँ का स्वाद जानबूझकर हल्का और सुखदायक है। )
  • ' Teething powders ' found in pharmacies are homeopathic Chamomilla 3X granules, which can be very soothing for grizzly babies. ( फार्मेसियों में पाए जाने वाले 'टीथिंग पाउडर' होम्योपैथिक कैमोमिला 3 एक्स ग्रैन्यूल्स होते हैं, जो ग्रिज़ली शिशुओं के लिए बहुत सुखदायक हो सकते हैं। )
  • And the fountains burbling in the background are very soothing . ( और पृष्ठभूमि में फव्वारे फव्वारे बहुत सुखदायक हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Lotions with peppermint oil can be especially soothing to tired feet.
  • The relaxing sound of the water was more soothing than a new age meditation tape.
  • The pace is slow, relaxed, unhurried and soothing .
  • Maybe there is something that is soothing for McCall about returning to the area of his upbringing.
  • When used warm as a mouthwash, it is very soothing for sore gums.
  • Nothing, you think, could be more soothing than a warm spring day in a peaceful city.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • It was soothing to hear his gruff voice, reassuring me.
  • For coughs, tea made with sage or thyme can be soothing .
  • Red, for example, is the most dramatic colour in the spectrum and alerts and excites, whereas pink is gentle and soothing .
  • The lush green of post monsoons was soothing to the eyes.
  • Raw, fresh cabbage juice is very soothing to the stomach and can even help ulcers.
  • The oil is nourishing and soothing (it keeps cuticles soft) and seems to absorb all sorts of stress that our busy hands accumulate.
  • The tone and rhythm of your voice are soothing .
  • soothing oil
  • Some of the old Turkish bath houses are still operating and are as aesthetically pleasing as they are physically soothing .
  • They are very soothing to play with in traffic jams.