bank - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of bank in Hindi


  • तट
  • किनारा
  • बैंक
  • तीर
  • अधिकोष
  • कूल
  • टीला


  • भरोसा रखना
  • आशा करना
  • बैंक में जमा करना
  • बैंक में पैसा रखना
  • बैंक से लेन-देन करना
  • महाजनी कोठी
  • बैंक में खाता रखना

bank Definition


  • the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. ( नदी या झील के किनारे की भूमि या ढलान। )
  • a slope, mass, or mound of a particular substance. ( किसी विशेष पदार्थ का ढलान, द्रव्यमान या टीला। )
  • a set or series of similar things, especially electrical or electronic devices, grouped together in rows. ( समान चीजों की एक श्रृंखला या श्रृंखला, विशेष रूप से विद्युत या इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण, पंक्तियों में एक साथ समूहीकृत। )
  • the cushion of a pool table. ( एक पूल टेबल की गद्दी। )
  • a financial establishment that invests money deposited by customers, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency. ( एक वित्तीय स्थापना जो ग्राहकों द्वारा जमा किए गए धन का निवेश करती है, आवश्यकता पड़ने पर उसका भुगतान करती है, ब्याज पर ऋण देती है और मुद्रा का आदान-प्रदान करती है। )


  • deposit (money or valuables) in a bank. ( बैंक में जमा (धन या क़ीमती सामान)। )
  • heap (a substance) into a mass or mound. ( ढेर (एक पदार्थ) एक द्रव्यमान या टीले में। )
  • (of an aircraft or vehicle) tilt or cause to tilt sideways in making a turn. ( (किसी विमान या वाहन का) मोड़ बनाने के लिए झुकाव या झुकाव का कारण बनता है। )
  • (in pool and other games) play (a ball) so that it rebounds off a surface such as a backboard or cushion. ( (पूल और अन्य खेलों में) खेलते हैं (एक गेंद) ताकि यह बैकबोर्ड या कुशन जैसी सतह से छूट दे। )

bank Example

  • People can dispose of it in a paper bank or household recycling centres. ( लोग पेपर बैंक या घरेलू रीसाइक्लिंग केंद्रों में इसका निपटान कर सकते हैं। )
  • bank of earth ( धरती का बैंक )
  • However, there was one clear distinction between giving and taking interest on loans and bank deposits. ( हालांकि, ऋण और बैंक जमा पर ब्याज देने और लेने के बीच एक स्पष्ट अंतर था। )
  • The value of the seed bank in the species pool at GCB was estimated to be greater than any other species establishment mode. ( जीसीबी में प्रजाति पूल में बीज बैंक का मूल्य किसी अन्य प्रजाति स्थापना मोड से अधिक होने का अनुमान लगाया गया था। )
  • willows lined the bank ( विलो ने बैंक को चूना लगाया )
  • It's in how the money is spent - long after the offerings are counted and safely in the bank . ( यह इस बात में है कि पैसा कैसे खर्च किया जाता है - जब तक कि बैंक में प्रसाद की गिनती और सुरक्षा न हो जाए। )
  • My current bank deposit account interest rate has just been cut again. ( मेरी वर्तमान बैंक जमा खाता ब्याज दर में फिर से कटौती की गई है। )

More Sentence

  • It is usual for the parents to bank with the financial institution granting the mortgage and they may be asked to have part of the guarantee on deposit.
  • All we need now is for people to place the boxes during the last two weeks of February then collect them in at the beginning of April and bank the money.
  • Crackdowns by the Criminal Assets Bureau have made criminals reluctant to bank their money in the republic.
  • Guessing he knew best, I once again pulled power and rolled the aircraft to a 45-degree angle of bank .
  • Sensing the danger, Dan eased off his angle of bank and pulled up slightly, barrel rolling away from the direction of turn.
  • He goes to work at his bank of electronics, and yes - twiddles some knobs.
  • grassy bank
  • Across the room, mounted above a bank of exercise machines, are five television monitors, each set to a different station.
  • That begs the question as to whether our money would be safer under the mattress or in a bank deposit account than invested in shares, unit trusts or pension schemes.
  • The organization now has an image bank of stock images that clients can view and contact the photographers.
  • a rather steep angle of bank
  • I paid the money straight into my bank
  • We've regularly - almost religiously - deposited money into our bank savings account.
  • It would also help men too ill to bank sperm before chemotherapy.
  • The bank can also change hands after any hand if the existing banker wishes to sell the bank to another player at a mutually agreed price.
  • a bank account
  • It would be of value to calculate the exact stall speeds for the actual wing loading at various appropriate bank angles.
  • Far from the island we waded through a waist deep channel of fast flowing ebb tide, then climbed onto a hard bank of rippled sand.
  • In fact, the newly-merged charity Cancer Research UK continues to bank with the Royal Bank of Scotland among others.
  • There was a pool table, a small bank of computers and a corpulent Italian speaking loudly into a mobile phone.
  • Its English news studio sports a bank of TV monitors just as CNN does.
  • Got any pointers on the diamond system or some good way of practicing bank shots?
  • Turn left and cross two bridges before taking a path to the right, along the top of a grassy bank .