blaze - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of blaze in Hindi
- ज्वाला
- ज्वाला
- लौ
- प्रभा
- चमक
- भभकना
- प्रभा देना
- चमकना
- दहकना
- फैलना
- भड़कना
blaze Definition
- burn fiercely or brightly. ( जमकर या उज्ज्वल रूप से जलाएं। )
- (of a gun or a person firing a gun) fire repeatedly or indiscriminately. ( (बंदूक या बंदूक से फायर करने वाला व्यक्ति) बार-बार या अंधाधुंध फायर करता है। )
- achieve something in an impressive manner. ( प्रभावशाली तरीके से कुछ हासिल करें। )
- set an example by being the first to do something; pioneer. ( कुछ करने के लिए सबसे पहले एक उदाहरण सेट करें; प्रथम अन्वेषक। )
- mark out a path or route. ( किसी पथ या मार्ग को चिह्नित करें। )
- (of a newspaper) present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner. ( (एक अखबार के) एक प्रमुख, आम तौर पर सनसनीखेज तरीके से वर्तमान (समाचार) की घोषणा या घोषणा। )
- a very large or fiercely burning fire. ( बहुत बड़ी या भयंकर रूप से जलती हुई आग। )
- used in various expressions of anger, bewilderment, or surprise as a euphemism for “hell”. ( क्रोध, हर्ष, या "नरक" के लिए एक व्यंजना के रूप में आश्चर्य की विभिन्न अभिव्यक्तियों में उपयोग किया जाता है। )
- a white spot or stripe on the face of a mammal or bird. ( स्तनपायी या पक्षी के चेहरे पर एक सफेद धब्बा या धारी। )
- a mark made on a tree by cutting the bark so as to mark a route. ( एक पेड़ पर बनी छाल को काटकर बनाया गया निशान ताकि मार्ग को चिह्नित किया जा सके। )
blaze Example
- Paul last found himself in America three years ago, when he was part of an 11,000-man team put together to tackle a major forest blaze . ( पॉल ने आखिरी बार तीन साल पहले खुद को अमेरिका में पाया था, जब वह एक 11,000-व्यक्ति टीम का हिस्सा था, जिसने एक प्रमुख वन विस्फोट से निपटने के लिए एक साथ रखा था। )
- All these combined with seasonal foliage and exotic flowers enable superb arrangements to be created, which filled the stage with a blaze of colour. ( इन सभी को मौसमी पर्णसमूह और विदेशी फूलों के साथ संयुक्त रूप से शानदार व्यवस्था बनाने में सक्षम बनाया गया है, जिसने रंग की एक झपकी के साथ मंच को भर दिया। )
- He gathered a ball on the right of the goal, jinked inside two tackles and even though he was half-tripped he regained his feet to blaze the ball to the corner of the net. ( उन्होंने गोल के दाईं ओर एक गेंद को इकट्ठा किया, दो टैकल के अंदर झपकी ली और भले ही वह आधा-तिगुना था, उन्होंने गेंद को नेट के कोने तक पहुंचाने के लिए अपने पैरों को फिर से पकड़ लिया। )
- The bulbs were sponsored by local business people and everyone is looking forward to Spring when the road sides should be a blaze of colour. ( बल्ब स्थानीय व्यवसायी लोगों द्वारा प्रायोजित किए गए थे और हर कोई स्प्रिंग की ओर देख रहा है जब सड़क के किनारों को रंग का एक धब्बा होना चाहिए। )
- A boy seriously burned in a fire that killed his older brother eight years ago has saved his younger brother and sister from another blaze at their Bradford home. ( आठ साल पहले अपने बड़े भाई को मार डालने वाली आग में गंभीर रूप से झुलस चुके एक लड़के ने अपने ब्रैडफ़ोर्ड घर में अपने छोटे भाई और बहन को दूसरे धमाके से बचाया था। )
- Blenheims are chestnut and white, with chestnut ears and a white blaze between the eyes and ears. ( Blenheims चेस्टनट और सफेद होते हैं, चेस्टनट कानों के साथ और आंखों और कानों के बीच एक सफेद धब्बा होता है। )
More Sentence
- In the middle of that rooftop blaze , the scene turned into slow motion for him.
- Long and bitter patent actions brought against him by the Wright brothers have only provided tinder for this blaze of confusion.
- The festival was launched in a blaze of music, singing and dancing in Riverstown on Friday night last, August 2.
- What we have, then, is a career that appeared to become arrested in mid-flow, which subsequently recovered in a blaze of congratulation.
- On the turnover, it was Tallow who made the impressive start as Colm Geary raced in only to blaze the ball over the bar with the goal at his mercy.
- She was totally black except for a white blaze and one white sock.
- During the warm and shining spring flower blossoming season, you can enjoy a blaze of colour here, with lovely flowers everywhere.
- It is breathtaking, and brings the city into a blaze of colour on a cold winter's night.
- the gardens in summer are a blaze of colour
- Since the currency was launched in a blaze of euphoria it has failed dismally to realise the potential which its supporters claimed it offered.
- She's a beauty too, all red with a black mane and tail and a white blaze .
- Debates help them break through the blaze of hyperbolic attacks and confusing countercharges.
- His wings were the vivid colors of fire, his head-feathers an equally bright blaze of mingled orange and red.
- twenty firemen fought the blaze
- She screamed, and went into a fanatical frenzy, pushing aside her weariness for one last blaze of glory.
- The biggest trouble is in the northern part of the state, this blaze about 150 miles north of San Francisco.
- His wide, crooked blaze was unique, giving him a goofy, yet strangely appealing look.
- Lin had scarcely been released in a blaze of unfavorable publicity when the Immigration Department was at it again.
- Hector shut his eyes, to see his inner world, a blaze of swirling pearly colours.
- At the moment the course is a blaze of colour and it is a privilege to tread the lush fairways and lightning fast greens.
- An urgent week-long White House effort to stop the blaze of anger has had some success.
- A rookie firefighter who was on his first day's duty with Keighley's Blue Watch has been praised for his actions when he was called to an horrific death blaze .
- It was a three-day-long blaze of celebration and enjoyment.
- The sun setting in the far north west went down in a blaze of red and blended so gently into a moonlit night that it seemed as if it hadn't set at all.