shifting cultivation - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of shifting cultivation in Hindi
- स्थानांतरण की खेती
- झूम कृषि
- स्थानांतरण कृषि
shifting cultivation Definition
- a form of agriculture, used especially in tropical Africa, in which an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned for a new area until its fertility has been naturally restored.
shifting cultivation Example
- Shifting cultivation, therefore, cannot fulfill even the subsistence requirements of the people. ( इसलिए, स्थानांतरित खेती लोगों की निर्वाह आवश्यकताओं को भी पूरा नहीं कर सकती है। )
- Complex and highly adaptive land tenure systems sometimes exist under shifting cultivation. ( कभी-कभी झूम खेती के तहत जटिल और अत्यधिक अनुकूली भूमि काश्तकारी प्रणालियां मौजूद होती हैं। )
- They practice shifting cultivation, with a few gradually taking up settled agriculture. ( वे स्थानांतरित खेती का अभ्यास करते हैं, कुछ धीरे-धीरे बसे हुए कृषि को अपनाते हैं। )
- Their traditions and rituals are associated with their shifting cultivation in the hills. ( झूम खेती से उत्पन्न परित्यक्त भूमि को इस श्रेणी में शामिल नहीं किया जाता है। )
More Sentence
- The practice of shifting cultivation is deeply rooted in Daai culture.
- In its early period, shifting cultivation provided food for the Daai.
- Some farmers produce the crop by shifting cultivation on the cleared forested slopes.
- In several areas the shifting cultivation is being replaced by the orchard cultivation.
- Villagers earlier practiced shifting cultivation, growing millets such as kambu.
- Dimasa were compelled to adopt shifting cultivation, commonly known as jhum, in hilly areas.
- Later the Forest Department forbade shifting cultivation and restricted cultivation to the allotted lands.
- The surrounding forest is extensively exploited due to shifting cultivation.
- Like many other tribal groups in Northeast India, they practice jhum, or shifting cultivation.
- The abandoned land resulting from shifting cultivation is not included in this category.
- Their traditions and rituals are associated with their shifting cultivation in the hills.
- The practice of shifting cultivation is deeply rooted in Daai culture.
- In its early period, shifting cultivation provided food for the Daai.
- Some farmers produce the crop by shifting cultivation on the cleared forested slopes.
- In several areas the shifting cultivation is being replaced by the orchard cultivation.
- Villagers earlier practiced shifting cultivation, growing millets such as kambu.
- It's difficult to see shifting cultivation in a sentence .
- Dimasa were compelled to adopt shifting cultivation, commonly known as jhum, in hilly areas.
- Later the Forest Department forbade shifting cultivation and restricted cultivation to the allotted lands.
- The surrounding forest is extensively exploited due to shifting cultivation.
- Like many other tribal groups in Northeast India, they practice jhum, or shifting cultivation.
- Classical writers described peoples who practiced shifting cultivation, which characterized the Migration Period in Europe.
- Slash and burn shifting cultivation therefore ceased much earlier in the south than the north.
- They subsist mainly on shifting cultivation, hunting and fishing.
- Most Anwain people are farmers who practice shifting cultivation.