rehearsal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of rehearsal in Hindi

  • रिहर्सल
  •  पूर्वाभ्यास


  • रिहर्सल
  • प्राभ्यास
  • पूर्व प्रयोग
  • नाटक का प्रारंभिक अभिनय

rehearsal Definition


  • a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance.

rehearsal Example

  • I've had two weeks in rehearsal ( मेरे पास दो सप्ताह का पूर्वाभ्यास है )
  • In form it is a rehearsal of the first baptismal rite, but with omission of the water. ( रूप में यह पहले बपतिस्मा संस्कार का पूर्वाभ्यास है, लेकिन पानी की चूक के साथ। )
  • Although no performances were allowed at the theatre, a sort of rehearsal took place, at which the players for the ensuing dramatic festival were selected. ( हालांकि थिएटर में किसी भी प्रदर्शन की अनुमति नहीं थी, एक तरह का पूर्वाभ्यास हुआ, जिसमें आगामी नाटकीय उत्सव के लिए खिलाड़ियों का चयन किया गया। )
  • It were a real good rehearsal, Mr.  ( यह एक वास्तविक अच्छा पूर्वाभ्यास था, श्रीमान। ) 

More Sentence

  • At least for the final rehearsal.
  • Do it all now, it’s not a rehearsal.
  • Plus we need to squeeze in a rehearsal.
  • Cancel the rehearsal? Doug pouted.
  • Rehearsal is a vital part of preparation.
  • There's times when this dress rehearsal.
  • There was a staff rehearsal this morning.
  • I have a choir rehearsal I need to attend.
  • This is your dress rehearsal for the new.
  • The restaurant will also help you plan your rehearsal dinner, wedding or baby shower and birthday celebrations.
  • For he had neither [means] to sustain himself nor his servants, and need not make further rehearsal thereof, seeing she knew it as well as he."
  • So far as the hounds are concerned, the object of cub hunting is to teach them their duty; it is a dress rehearsal of the November business.
  • a rehearsal room