baulk - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of baulk in Hindi

  • रोक-थाम करना
  • डाँड़
  • मेड़
  • रोड़ा
  • विघ्न
  • अवरोध


  • शहतीर
  • कड़ी


  • रोकना
  • स्र्कावट डालना
  • बाधा डालना
  • रोक-थाम करना

baulk Definition

  • to not want to do or agree to something because it seems too difficult, dangerous or unpleasant.  ( किसी चीज को करने या उससे सहमत नहीं होने के लिए क्योंकि यह बहुत मुश्किल, खतरनाक या अप्रिय लगता है। )

baulk Example

  • He then potted blue in the middle pocket but the cue ball rolled back off the baulk cushion into the opposite middle pocket for a five-point foul. ( फिर उसने बीच की जेब में नीले रंग की पॉट लगाई लेकिन क्यू बॉल ने बाउल कुशन को वापस उल्टा कर दिया और पांच अंकों के फाउल के लिए बीच की जेब में चला गया। )
  • Needing the colours to take the frame he was about to take a tough shot on green near the baulk cushion when two spectators left the arena. ( फ्रेम लेने के लिए रंगों की आवश्यकता होती है वह बाउल कुशन के पास हरे रंग की एक कठिन शॉट लेने वाला था जब दो दर्शकों ने मैदान छोड़ दिया। )
  • Micky Conlan would roll the ball in front, then run, pick it up, baulk an imaginary opponent, run close to the boundary, kick the goal then scuttle back, laughing. ( मिक्की कॉनन गेंद को सामने से घुमाएंगे, फिर दौड़ेंगे, इसे उठाएंगे, एक काल्पनिक प्रतिद्वंद्वी को मारेंगे, सीमा के करीब दौड़ेंगे, फिर गोल मारेंगे, फिर पीछे हटेंगे, हंसते हुए। )
  • It could still have gone either way on the colours, but Doherty had his nose in front when the pink bounced off three cushions and rolled into a baulk pocket. ( यह अभी भी या तो रंगों पर जा सकता था, लेकिन डोहर्टी ने अपनी नाक सामने रखी थी जब गुलाबी तीन तकिये से उछलकर एक बाज की जेब में लुढ़क गया। )
  • Milner potted green to level the frame scores but left a sitting brown after attempting an ambitious pot along the baulk cushion. ( मिलनर ने फ्रेम स्कोर को हरा करने के लिए हरे रंग का पोज दिया, लेकिन बाउल कुशन के साथ एक महत्वाकांक्षी पॉट का प्रयास करने के बाद एक भूरा छोड़ दिया। )
  • Superior claims may baulk inferior ones, but the liquidator's duty is to realise the assets of all in accordance with their rights. ( सुपीरियर दावे हीन लोगों को परेशान कर सकते हैं, लेकिन परिसमापक का कर्तव्य है कि वह अपने अधिकारों के अनुसार सभी की संपत्ति का एहसास करे। )
  • When there's a runner on first base and the pitcher makes a motion to throw to that base from the rubber, he's charged with a balk if he does not complete his throw. ( जब पहले आधार पर एक धावक होता है और घड़ा रबर से उस आधार पर फेंकने के लिए एक गति बनाता है, तो उसे अपने फेंक को पूरा नहीं करने पर एक गंजे के साथ आरोप लगाया जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • Most of these wells are propped up with wooden balks .
  • Maddock's horse balked and reared as a mercenary snatched at its reins.
  • A fellow driver chose to have words with him and criticised him for weaving about on the track in order to balk those who try to overtake.
  • Air Force Honcho enjoyed plenty of luck in running last week after being baulked early on and may not enjoy a trouble free passage either this time.
  • Zabel was balked , and instead the rider who pushed McEwen all the way to the line, and even bumped his shoulder at 40 mph in the final metres, was his fellow Australian Baden Cooke.
  • Despite being slightly baulked by Thinus Delport it didn't matter as Hickie chased on and got there first to score.
  • Historically, I have always baulked at the concept of fancy dress, on the grounds that I have a natural aversion to making myself look ridiculous.
  • Of course, some might balk at the morality of keeping tabs on anyone 24 / 7, but this tricky question would at least leave one job for the ethics commissioner to handle.
  • The already skittish horse balked at the sudden change in direction, but Katherine fought with it impatiently.
  • He quickly baulked at the cost to the exchequer.
  • At first she baulked at the idea, saying she no longer performed those pieces.
  • Iron-hard baulks of it, along with a few copper rivets, washers and sheathing, is all that remains of the ship.
  • Or again has it been rushed in its development and is baulked up with poor coding?
  • Having been baulked on his second run, Campbell had a re-run, in which he made full use of the clear track to break the 94s barrier and secure victory.
  • Parents concerned about allergies may balk at the idea of keeping pets around children.
  • They may feel that they are balked in making their way through life, that authority figures are preventing them from expressing themselves, etc.
  • It was built in the early 1990´s and consists of various obstacles made of tires filled with concrete, concrete panels and wooden balks .
  • A survey carried out by the council says that much of the land has been mined below the legal limit, and there were no baulks of peat left to prevent the area from being completely drained.
  • But some councillors privately have baulked at the new boards, which they see as a ‘hoop-jumping exercise’ designed to get the Government off the council's back.
  • In the past three years, staff turnover has been a dramatic 30% - a level that some commercial companies might balk at - and 60 new professors have been appointed.
  • Airlines have already begun to balk at paying commissions of 7% to 10% of the ticket price to travel agents.
  • Indeed they are struggling to get into the team, baulked by players who last season didn't get games when Veron and Beckham were fit.
  • It is only the poor players who might balk at the added workload, and the newly-formed Scottish Professional Players' Association will want to negotiate a maximum number of matches per season for their members as a matter of urgency.