conventional - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of conventional in Hindi
- पारंपरिक
- परम्परागत
- पारम्परिक
- रूढ़
- शर्त लगाय हुआ
conventional Definition
- based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed.
conventional Example
- a conventional morality had dictated behavior ( एक पारंपरिक नैतिकता ने व्यवहार को निर्धारित किया था )
- A conventional war would still cause unacceptable devastation. ( एक पारंपरिक युद्ध अभी भी अस्वीकार्य तबाही का कारण बनेगा। )
- The printer has several advantages over conventional printers. ( पारंपरिक प्रिंटर की तुलना में प्रिंटर के कई फायदे हैं। )
- What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life! ( जीवन के प्रति उसका कैसा पारंपरिक, मध्यम आयु वर्ग का रवैया है! )
More Sentence
- All the approaches mentioned so far are fairly conventional.
- She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel.
- Not everybody nowadays lives in the conventional nuclear family.
- conventional love poetry
- This remarkable technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays.
- The other houses are built to a more conventional design.
- With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.
- I want to reiterate that our conventional weapons are superior.
- Relative to atypical antipsychotic use(, conventional antipsychotic use was associated with a higher risk for death at all time points.
- Die? I should say not, dear fellow. No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him. John Barry more, American actor, J.
- The town is within the free-trade area of the conventional basin of the Congo river.
- Before marriage free intercourse between the sexes is the rule, though certain conventional precautions are taken to prevent it.
- A special feature of their art is that, while often closely and minutely imitating natural objects, such as birds, flowers and fishes, the especial objects of their predilection and study, they frequently combine the facts of external nature with a conventional mode of treatment better suited to their purpose.
- His university training was supplemented (1714) by a continental tour, untrammelled by a governor; at the Hague his ambition for the applause awarded to adventure made a gamester of him, and at Paris he began, from the same motive, that worship of the conventional Venus, the serious inculcation of which has earned for him the largest and most unenviable part of his reputation.
- He doesn't do the things that conventional politicians do.
- There is no consensus, no widely accepted conventional political wisdom.
- No bank would have given a conventional mortgage on the house,
- Intensive therapy costs two to three times more than conventional therapy.
- His vocabulary is conventional, comforting to the point of blandness.
- There are alternatives, like teaching teamwork in more conventional settings.
- The comeback did not, by conventional standards, end happily.
- They are a billion times as energy efficient as conventional computers.
- Ladder frames are the oldest and most conventional type of construction.
- It's difficult to see conventional in a sentence .Here we find nothing of the kind; not a single concession to conventional treatment.
- The first, as all are aware, is only a conventional sign and presumably not phonetic.
- But here also the conventional and monotonous treatment of his cattle begins to be visible....
- Two conventional signs are used to illustrate condensers, the upper one of Fig.
- We have thus indicated the nature of the great contest in language between the conventional and the idiomatic.
- These varied considerably in time and movement from the conventional women's dance.
- The use of the conventional phrases of welcome helped him to emerge somewhat from his state of apathy.
- The mode of representation is always conventional, the treatment of the subject no less than its choice being dictated by an authority to which the artist was compelled to bow.
- We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.
- It's taken a long time to break out of my own conventional training.
- agreement on reducing conventional forces in Europe