built-in - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of built-in in Hindi
- बिल्ट-इन
- निर्माण
built-in Definition
- forming an integral part of a structure or device. ( एक संरचना या उपकरण का एक अभिन्न अंग बनाना। )
built-in Example
- The built-in camera seems good, and will be acid-tested in the next couple of weeks, I'm sure. ( अंतर्निहित कैमरा अच्छा लगता है, और अगले कुछ हफ्तों में एसिड-परीक्षण किया जाएगा, मुझे यकीन है। )
- And second, there is a built-in safeguard to prevent any potential conflict of interest. ( और दूसरा, किसी भी संभावित हितों के टकराव को रोकने के लिए एक अंतर्निहित सुरक्षा है। )
- The built-in fear of making mistakes is elevated proportionally with the number of reincarnations. ( गलतियाँ करने की अंतर्निहित आशंका पुनर्जन्म की संख्या के साथ आनुपातिक रूप से बढ़ जाती है। )
- Research in the life sciences is committed, due to the built-in complexity of the subject under study, to the use of models. ( जीवन विज्ञान में अनुसंधान प्रतिबद्ध है, अध्ययन के तहत विषय की अंतर्निहित जटिलता के कारण, मॉडल के उपयोग के लिए। )
- Gadgets with built-in cameras are being banned all over the place. ( बिल्ट-इन कैमरों वाले गैजेट्स को सभी जगह प्रतिबंधित किया जा रहा है। )
- All three children's bedrooms have overhead galleries with built-in ladders. ( सभी तीन बच्चों के बेडरूम में निर्मित सीढ़ी के साथ ओवरहेड गैलरी हैं। )
- With the withdrawal of the poster foreseeable, it's an example of built-in obsolescence. ( पोस्ट करने योग्य की वापसी के साथ, यह अंतर्निहित अप्रचलन का एक उदाहरण है। )
More Sentence
- We had a built-in respect for the writer's skill, and today I still wouldn't cross the road without a good script.
- Nor do I have a paved patio with built-in barbecue or a conservatory.
- Upstairs two of the bedrooms have en suite shower rooms and four of the five bedrooms have built-in wardrobes.
- The apartment also has a home bar set into an alcove, complete with built-in cooler, beer taps and storage shelves.
- The built-in flash is very small but is powerful enough to light objects up to 4.8 meters away.
- It may be that dependence on role models to deliver the informal curriculum has created a built-in resistance to change.
- There is also a posh built-in webcam for instant video conferencing.
- Also new in the second edition is a built-in virtual audience to cheer you on - but no coughing can be heard!
- The issue of privacy is also shaping technology itself, with many devices having built-in privacy features.
- Included in the sale are a built-in hob, oven and deep fat fryer along with a washing machine and dishwasher.
- After all, doesn't the myth go that fat people are innately funny; that they have a built-in sense of humour?
- The use of built-in cabinets, wardrobes and work tops is unavoidable to ensure optimal use of space.
- With its built-in citrus aroma, your friends will surely think you've just come from the beach.
- A built-in glacial pace of change is probably a good thing, when you think of it.
- National Express, as the incumbent, should have the built-in advantage of experience.
- This is not a self-curing problem - no manufacturer knowingly makes cars with built-in faults.
- There is a built-in time-lag in doing this, but now we can see the trends of the last two decades, and we don't like what we see.
- I wonder if doctors have a built-in urge to be deep country doctors just as poets dream they may become deep country poets?
- The Discam even has a built-in Ethernet port, so you can download your video straight from the camera.
- The driver is required to blow into the built-in device before fastening the seat belt.
- There is also a wooden worktop and cream tiled splashback as well as a built-in Neff cooker and dishwasher.
- The computer will have no built-in hard drives, as storage will be available via the global network.
- It comes complete with blank video tape, tripod, built-in microphone and adjustable focus.