fiery - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fiery in Hindi

  • उग्र
  • तेजस्वी
  • प्रज्वलित
  • तीक्ष्ण
  • उत्सुक
  • कलहप्रिय
  • उत्साही
  • आग सा
  • अंगारा सा
  • लाल
  • क्रोधी
  • चमकता हुआ

fiery Definition


  • consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly.

fiery Example

  • a fiery hot chili sauce.The leaves have a fiery tangy taste, a bit like rocket. ( एक तेज गर्म मिर्च की चटनी। पत्तियों में एक तेज तीखा स्वाद होता है, जो रॉकेट जैसा होता है। )
  • a fiery speech. ( एक उग्र भाषण। )
  • At one time its beauty and fiery sparkle was often reserved for the elite. ( एक समय में इसकी सुंदरता और तेज चमक अक्सर अभिजात वर्ग के लिए आरक्षित थी। )
  • Cast out alone, he discovers that the once grand city of Babylon is in fiery ruins. ( अकेले बाहर निकाले जाने पर, उसे पता चलता है कि कभी बाबुल का भव्य शहर आग की चपेट में आ गया है। )
  • A soft-spoken man off the field, Chief was a fiery competitor on it. ( मैदान के बाहर एक मृदुभाषी व्यक्ति, चीफ उस पर एक उग्र प्रतियोगी था। )
  • the car was painted a fiery red. ( कार को लाल रंग से रंगा गया था। )
  • His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months. ( उनके उग्र अभियान बयानबाजी ने विपक्षी दलों को महीनों तक अपने पैर की उंगलियों पर रखा है। )

More Sentence

  • The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.
  • I enter the fiery gates at noon.
  • The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky.
  • Peter always makes really fiery chilli con carne.
  • I believe that the fiery hoop of enfranchisement will be a very difficult test.
  • The sun was a fiery ball, low on the hills.
  • Fiery red blossoms float amongst olive green leaves that are heavily mottled with chocolate and maroon.
  • It is difficult to rein a fiery horse.
  • Nansen is fiery and emotional.
  • The infected skin in diaper rash that includes infection with Candida appears fiery red with areas that may have a raised red border.
  • A soft-spoken man off the field, Chief was a fiery competitor on it.
  • He had fiery red hair and no eyebrows.
  • Popular heresy has given redheads a range of personality traits associated with the vibrant, fiery shades of their hair.
  • She described their relationship as ' never dull ' due to their ' wonderful, fiery ' intellectual debates.
  • Now everything was jet-black and fiery red.
  • Fiery Sagittarius is a wonderful representative of their ruling planet Jupiter.
  • Until he is willing to say boo to the unions' goose, his fiery oratory here will be merely the big boom of an empty drum.
  • He has fiery red hair.
  • a fiery, imaginative Aries.
  • Hannah dragged her down as fiery splinters sailed over them.
  • If he was a hot speaker before he went, he is positively fiery on his return.
  • the sun was a fiery ball low on the hills.
  • He was killed in a fiery crash.
  • The city had been plunged into a fiery orange fog by the worst sandstorms in living memory.
  • The depressed teenager said that he wanted to die in a fiery explosion that would blow up his school.