pillow - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of pillow in Hindi
- तकिया
- गद्दा
- गल-तकिया
- तकिया लगाना
pillow Definition
- a rectangular cloth bag stuffed with feathers, foam rubber, or other soft materials, used to support the head when lying down.
- rest (one's head) as if on a pillow.
pillow Example
- She buried her face in the pillow and prayed that she might be saved from such a destiny. ( उसने अपना चेहरा तकिये में दबा लिया और प्रार्थना की कि वह ऐसी नियति से बच जाए। )
- The mask beneath her pillow symbolizes the body from which the spirit has departed. ( उसके तकिये के नीचे का मुखौटा उस शरीर का प्रतीक है जिससे आत्मा निकली है। )
- Wallie reached under his pillow and produced a pearl-handled revolver of 32 calibre. ( वॉली अपने तकिए के नीचे पहुंचा और 32 कैलिबर की मोती से चलने वाली रिवॉल्वर का उत्पादन किया। )
- But the letter she wore in her pocket by day, and kept under her pillow by night. ( लेकिन वह चिट्ठी दिन में अपनी जेब में रखती थी और रात को तकिए के नीचे रखती थी। )
More Sentence
- Now my pillow is not a comfortable one for sleeping upon, much less for writing.
- Then he got a pillow and a pair of blankets, blew out his lamp, and ascended to the tower.
- I made a pillow for my head of the stones of the place, that I might dream more abundantly.
- Weariness Can snore upon the flint, when restive sloth Finds the down pillow hard.
- Downy pillow take thy head, Silken coverlet bestead, Sunshine help thy sleeping!
- The fuchsia flower will one day be a quilted pillow top.
- Her father propped up on two pillows, struggling to speak.
- We also used an old pillow as part of the stuffing.
- One donned sackcloth and slept on a stone pillow for penance.
- And throw pillows, which are inexpensive, can be changed.
- It was a pillow fight . . . a slumber party.
- The chenille velvet throw pillows on the sofa have soothing potential.
- But if they really were pillows, it would be illegal.
- It's difficult to see pillow in a sentence .
- No . 84 : " Sew a pillow ."
- After all, there is such a thing as pillow talk.
- And Perkins was back to his Barry White pillow talk voice.
- Abbot coldly hands it to him, and finds that he must raise him from the pillow before he can swallow.
- The bullet would have gone into the pillow or lodged in the wall, but there isn't a sign of it.
- The bed showed the imprint of a body; pillow and counterpane were indented by the pressure of a recumbent form.
- He took up a pillow in both hands and stood by the bed and waited, never lifting his eyes off the face.
- Slipping her hand under her pillow she drew out a small revolver, then sat up softly and took careful aim.
- With a sly grimace of envy he shook his fist at the tall man whose leg served as a pillow for the tired head.
- She locked her door, and threw herself on the bed, burying her face in her pillow to stifle her sobs.
- Steven slipped from his place by Robin's pillow and sat down on the rug beside her.
- From beneath her own pillow she drew out a second revolver, examined it, and set it on a table within easy reach.