avocado - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of avocado in Hindi
- एवोकाडो
- नाश्पाती की आकार का एक उष्ण कटिबन्धीय फल
avocado Definition
- a pear-shaped fruit with a rough leathery skin, smooth oily edible flesh, and a large stone. ( नाशपाती के आकार का फल खुरदरी चमड़ी वाली त्वचा, चिकना तैलीय खाद्य मांस और एक बड़ा पत्थर होता है। )
- the tropical evergreen tree that bears the avocado. It is native to Central America and widely cultivated elsewhere. ( उष्णकटिबंधीय सदाबहार पेड़ जो एवोकैडो को सहन करता है। यह मध्य अमेरिका का मूल निवासी है और व्यापक रूप से अन्यत्र खेती की जाती है। )
avocado Example
- We finally have our homes decorated in charming hues of country blue, dusty pink, and seafoam green after being stuck in shades of avocado green and gold for years. ( आखिरकार हमारे घरों में देश के नीले, धूल भरे गुलाबी और सीफ़ोरम हरे रंग के आकर्षक फूलों से सजाया गया है, जो वर्षों से एवोकैडो हरे और सोने के रंगों में फंस गए हैं। )
- Growing up in the Great White North there was a scarcity of avocado trees, and it fascinates me to see tropical fruits and veggies in their beginning stages. ( ग्रेट व्हाइट नॉर्थ में बढ़ते हुए एवोकैडो पेड़ों की कमी थी, और यह मुझे अपने शुरुआती चरणों में उष्णकटिबंधीय फल और सब्जियों को देखने के लिए मोहित करता है। )
- And did you know how incredibly easy it is to grow an avocado tree? ( और क्या आप जानते हैं कि एवोकाडो के पेड़ को उगाना कितना आसान है? )
- It's virtually impossible to camouflage an aircraft in broad daylight so it's pointless to speculate over whether hot pink or avocado green is better for daytime stealth. ( यह व्यापक रूप से दिन के उजाले में एक विमान को छलावरण करने के लिए असंभव है, इसलिए यह अनुमान लगाने के लिए व्यर्थ है कि गर्म गुलाबी या एवोकैडो हरा दिन के चुपके के लिए बेहतर है या नहीं। )
- ‘The whole place had been decorated in woodchip and painted avocado ,’ he says. ( Had पूरी जगह को वुडचिप और चित्रित एवोकैडो में सजाया गया था, 'वे कहते हैं। )
More Sentence
- One of the things we enjoyed was a wonderful avocado soup.
- Both are exuberant riots of colour, from the palest avocado to looming midnight blues, with great carefree splodges of paint and taught, pacy lines that spiral into little whirlwinds of detail.
- He meticulously photographed every avocado appliance.
- About eight or ten of them, squatting on the castaway cart, staring vacantly over the avocado trees and maize fields.
- Other avocado trees grew tall and rather flimsy as they were planted too close together and we did not realise that we should have topped them.
- Although hot enough to burn a tongue, it makes a good accompaniment for either the large avocado or the broccoli salad.
- For a further #5 fruit selection, I had four each red apples, William pears, bananas, an avocado and a lemon.
- Serve with bread and olives or, for a more hearty meal, add an avocado salad and some kumara baked in their skins.
- Likewise, many parts of the avocado tree find uses as herbal medicines.
- I particularly remember the jaunt to buy a motorized exercise/torture device which came in the required shade of avocado green.
- They planted avocado and apricot trees, grew wheat, and invested their savings in a herd of sheep for milking.
- Fourteen years later, Ndwale, now 80, sits barefoot outside her home beneath a laden avocado tree and explains why she married Syombua.
- This week I'm staying out of the kitchen because I spent most of last week there, scraping the remains of the geometric patterned avocado green carpet off of the linoleum tiles underneath.
- The so-called rightie lumping Hank K in with untamed sideburns and avocado green kitchen appliances?
- The avocado trees are the best - sturdy and good branches to hold onto.
- There was an apple tree and an avocado in the front yard, surrounded by thick St. Augustine grass.
- Arrange avocado slices and tomatoes on top of each plate.
- The same couple lived there for years, raising their kids in the sprawling brick ranch with the obnoxious avocado green trim.
- Most older avocado trees require little or no pruning.
- Not readily evident were the harvest gold and avocado green of the '70s.
- The shirt I got was lime green and avocado with three-quarter length sleeves.
- Okay, first, I was eight when the Sixties ended and had nothing to do with the whole harvest gold - avocado green travesty.
- The prince earlier visited Eluxolweni Shelter, a home for 48 abandoned, physically and sexually abused children - where he planted an avocado tree and unveiled a plaque.
- My mother had her avocado appliances, stove, refrigerator and washer and dryer.
- I watched a leaf fall from one of our two avocado trees and circle in the air, stirred by the wind's hand.