marxism - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of marxism in Hindi

  • मार्क्सवाद

marxism Definition


  • the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.

marxism Example

  •  Communism is based on Marxism. ( साम्यवाद मार्क्सवाद पर आधारित है। )
  • But analysis has so far been largely entrapped by the particular form of Marxism with which cultural theory has adopted. ( लेकिन विश्लेषण अब तक काफी हद तक मार्क्सवाद के उस विशेष रूप से उलझ गया है जिसके साथ सांस्कृतिक सिद्धांत को अपनाया गया है। )
  • Yet Marx and Engels' determination to formulate general theories eventually made Marxism one of the most successful transnational ideologies. ( फिर भी सामान्य सिद्धांतों को तैयार करने के लिए मार्क्स और एंगेल्स के दृढ़ संकल्प ने अंततः मार्क्सवाद को सबसे सफल अंतरराष्ट्रीय विचारधाराओं में से एक बना दिया। )
  • If proofs there are in this book they are only that Marxism is now quite properly the preserve of cranks and dreamers. ( अगर इस किताब में सबूत हैं तो वे केवल यही हैं कि मार्क्सवाद अब ठीक से क्रैंक और सपने देखने वालों का संरक्षण है। )
  • One approach which is curiously similar to business studies in its view of the populace is that of some contemporary Marxism. ( एक दृष्टिकोण जो आबादी के अपने दृष्टिकोण में व्यावसायिक अध्ययनों के समान है, कुछ समकालीन मार्क्सवाद का है। )

More Sentence

  • Any system that purports to explain everything (Marxism?) will in reality explain nothing.
  • It has been very easy for other aggrieved social groups to be intoxicated by the cyanide of Marxism.
  • In discussing Marxism, I make reference to the works of Marx and Frederick Engels without distinction.
  • Marxism is the abandonment of the attempt on the part of the Jewish Left to assimilate into existing society.
  • Marxism can be a way to get rich or get laid.
  • Marxism has been frequently derided for its explanations of political behaviour in Western democracies.
  • He held onto the naive belief that Marxism would solve all the world's problems.
  • Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.
  • Like Pareto[sentencedict .com], Burnham argued that Marxism was the self-serving ideology of an insurgent working class elite.
  • Once Marxism was a value system then capitalism and free enterprise tried to coalesce as a value system - largely unsuccessfully.
  • Eagleton could not put it more simply: Marxism is a scientific theory of human societies and the practice of transforming them.
  • But with the advent of Marxism, a new view of the enemy had developed.
  • Any student, Jason felt, who was treated to a course in Marxism as a viable.
  • Marxism is nothing more nor less than a Jewish response to the Jewish Question.
  • As we shall see, many of these ideas are compatible with Marxism, and are current today.
  • Of the elements composing the rainbow coalition, Marxism is the most prominent and intellectually respectable.