evict - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of evict in Hindi
- बेदख़ल करना
- निकालना
- निष्कासन करना
- निकाल देना
- हटा देना
- बेदख़ल करना
evict Definition
- expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law.
evict Example
- he had court orders to evict the trespassers from three camps ( उसके पास तीन शिविरों से अतिचारियों को बेदखल करने का अदालती आदेश था )
- And so, drawn by that warmth, as reptiles are, it came seeking to disturb our sleep, evict us from our homes. ( और इसलिए, उस गर्मी से आकर्षित होकर, सरीसृप के रूप में, यह हमारी नींद में खलल डालने, हमें हमारे घरों से बेदखल करने के लिए आया था। )
- The Kassikan could refuse him admission to the grounds if it came to that, evict him from his quarters and lock him outside the gates. ( कसिकन उसे मैदान में प्रवेश देने से मना कर सकता था यदि वह ऐसा आता, तो उसे उसके क्वार्टर से बेदखल कर देता और उसे फाटकों के बाहर बंद कर देता। )
- The first time she had come face to face with Reconstruction was when she learned that Jonas Wilkerson with the aid of the Yankees could evict her from Tara. ( वह पहली बार पुनर्निर्माण के साथ आमने-सामने आई थी जब उसे पता चला कि जोनास विल्करसन यांकीज़ की सहायता से उसे तारा से बेदखल कर सकता है। )
More Sentence
- Then these so-called tenants decided to evict their hosts.
- Her beloved dogs discouraged anyone who might try to evict her.
- Halbritter said that the Oneidas did not want to evict anyone.
- Dissenters were hearing that thugs would be sent to evict them.
- In fact, they have pledged not to evict any landowners.
- My wife is getting ready to evict me from the house,
- EVICT-- Charlotte County officials are tagging houses as unsafe.
- Opposition leader Ehud Barak said the government must evict the settlers.
- We are today well-poised to evict them very soon,
- The government has ignored six court orders to evict the occupiers.
- It's difficult to see evict in a sentence .
- Police said there were no immediate plans to evict the Indians.
- Her eyes were full of dreams; her goal was to evict her family from poverty but life didn’t work out as planned, her uncle forced her into the hellhole of prostitution.
- Please tell your superiors to pass urgently the following to Ho Chi Minh: he will soon be unable to rely on his Chinese and Soviet allies to evict the French from Indochina.
- The only way he could evict them would require him to send a big enough piece of his fleet off to defeat them, and they’re clearly hoping for a chance to defeat a portion of his forces in isolation.