augur - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of augur in Hindi

  • शकुनश
  • शकुन विचारना
  • भविष्य बतलाना
  • शकुन बताने वाला

augur Definition


  • (in ancient Rome) a religious official who observed natural signs, especially the behavior of birds, interpreting these as an indication of divine approval or disapproval of a proposed action. ( (प्राचीन रोम में) एक धार्मिक अधिकारी जिसने प्राकृतिक संकेतों का अवलोकन किया, विशेष रूप से पक्षियों के व्यवहार, उन्हें एक प्रस्तावित कार्रवाई के दिव्य अनुमोदन या अस्वीकृति के संकेत के रूप में व्याख्या करना। )


  • (of an event or circumstance) portend a good or bad outcome. ( (किसी घटना या परिस्थिति के) अच्छे या बुरे परिणाम को दर्शाते हैं। )

augur Example

  • The quality of the athletes, always impressive, seemed to take a quantum leap forward, a happy augur for the future of the sport in this Eastern European nation. ( हमेशा प्रभावशाली रहने वाले एथलीटों की गुणवत्ता, क्वांटम छलांग को आगे ले जाने वाली लगती थी, इस पूर्वी यूरोपीय राष्ट्र में खेल के भविष्य के लिए एक सुखद आगाज। )
  • the end of the Cold War seemed to augur well ( शीत युद्ध का अंत अच्छी तरह से बढ़ रहा था )
  • Lee does not reckon that much concrete will emerge from the summit but, she adds, ‘I am certain it will augur a new mood in North Korea.’ ( ली ने नहीं माना कि शिखर से बहुत ठोस निकलेगा, लेकिन वह कहती हैं, 'मुझे यकीन है कि यह उत्तर कोरिया में एक नए मूड को बढ़ाएगा।' )
  • An augur in Latin was someone who could see into the future. ( लैटिन में एक एगुर वह था जो भविष्य में देख सकता था। )
  • This could augur another miserable month for the UK's biggest airport. ( यह यूके के सबसे बड़े हवाई अड्डे के लिए एक और दुखद महीना हो सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • It seemed to augur a new phase in American foreign policy.
  • a new coalition would not augur a new period of social reforms
  • The process, itself, was cumbersome and did not augur success.
  • The elimination of these Christians, the augur would claim, could restore his divining powers and help the emperor.
  • In contrast to the coalition of 1969, a new coalition would not augur a new period of social reforms.
  • With that in mind, Franks' presence seems to augur a shift in US policy.
  • the end of the cold war seemed to augur well
  • I would like to leap to the defence of Quinn, a man as yet untested in football management but exhibiting qualities that augur a bright future.
  • It is hoped that this development will augur a new era of cooperation between the AAA and the Academy of Accounting Historians.
  • Beyond giving vent to frustrations at a relationship gone seriously awry, such rhetoric augurs a troubled future.
  • But the fact that there are young men and women in India prepared to dedicate their creative energies to this sort of publishing augurs well .
  • This is a remarkable and welcome achievement that augurs well for the industry.
  • That relation of basic inequality augurs less well for the development of peaceful relations even if both parties have democratic governments.
  • In the case of the augurs or haruspices of Rome, the animal was sacrificed to permit contemplation of the entrails for prophetic purposes.
  • The move augurs disaster for pastoralism in the sub-continent, it is a mode of violence against the lives and livelihoods of several thousand rural households.
  • Appropriately, with his head veiled he had the omens taken on the Capitoline Hill, accompanied by augurs and priests, and received the requested signs.
  • The statue clearly indicates that Marsyas, the teacher of augural practice of auspices, arrived in Italy from Asia Minor.
  • I tried to recall what it was about his demeanor or statements that augured this rejection, but could not find any clues.
  • Those events certainly did not augur well for the success of the project.
  • Hope has been replaced by magical thinking that augurs a second and more terrible level of social disruption and anger not far down the road.
  • Perhaps it augurs a return to the epicene male fashion of Genji's time.
  • This augurs well for our continuing expansion in the future.
  • The Violin Concerto starts off, for instance, with dissonant sustained chords auguring a foray into some atonal world of austerity and gray shadings.
  • This augurs well for dialogue and understanding.
  • Indeed, to have an operation begin with a helicopter crash does not augur well for its outcome.