manure - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of manure in Hindi

  • खाद
  • पाँस


  • खाद देकर उपजाऊ बनाना
  • गोबर की खाद डालना
  • खाद देना

manure Definition


  • apply manure to (land). ( (भूमि) में खाद लागू करें। )


  • animal dung used for fertilizing land. ( पशु गोबर का उपयोग भूमि की उर्वरकता के लिए किया जाता है। )

manure Example

  • The Fellows use draft horses to spread manure , rake hay, and move fences, water, firewood and hay around the farm. ( फेलो खेत में चारों ओर खाद, रेक घास, और बाड़, पानी, जलाऊ लकड़ी और घास को फैलाने के लिए मसौदा घोड़ों का उपयोग करते हैं। )
  • Beware using manure from horses bedded on wood shavings - while the shavings will rot down eventually, it can take many months. ( लकड़ी की छीलन पर चढ़े घोड़ों से खाद का उपयोग करने से सावधान रहें - जबकि छीलन आखिरकार सड़ जाएगी, इसमें कई महीने लग सकते हैं। )
  • They also provide dung for manure and fuel, and they pull ploughs and carts. ( वे खाद और ईंधन के लिए गोबर भी प्रदान करते हैं, और वे हल और गाड़ियां खींचते हैं। )
  • Grass clippings arrive throughout the mowing season, and horse manure is delivered year-round. ( घास की कतरन पूरे मौसम में आती है, और घोड़े की खाद साल भर मिलती है। )
  • Along with the animals' manure , no other fertilizer should be necessary. ( जानवरों की खाद के साथ, कोई अन्य उर्वरक आवश्यक नहीं होना चाहिए। )
  • organic manure might be animal or vegetable derived ( जैविक खाद पशु या वनस्पति से प्राप्त हो सकती है )

More Sentence

  • In a feedlot, lots of animals deposit their manure on a small amount of bare land.
  • The bags are filled with manure comprising cow dung, neem cake, prawn shell powder and neopeat (coconut fibre).
  • Similarly, soil tests from land on which manure is applied ensure that nutrients in the soil remain at levels that can be used by the crop on an annual basis.
  • The increase in animal density has presented a challenge in the collection, storage, and land application of manure .
  • plenty of fully rotted horse manure can be dug in this fall
  • Pig and horse manure are just not rich enough for the roses.
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • Farmers commonly spread manure on their lands, a practice that often results in excess phosphorus being applied.
  • Phosphorus is the critical nutrient, not nitrogen, in calculating the amount of crop land needed to spread a unit of manure .
  • We spread manure on our land to help fertilize our crops without chemicals.
  • The amendments apply to livestock producers and farmers using livestock manure to fertilize crops.
  • There is absolutely no manure or animal products in my compost.
  • This will oblige hundreds of farmers to limit their use of chemical fertilisers and animal manure .
  • Most Romano-British farmsteads were mixed, dependent on animals for manure , traction, dairy products, wool, hides, and meat.
  • The size of farms increased, and large numbers of animals were used to provide power and to manure the soil.
  • Farmyard manure is prepared from dung, yet about 60 to 70 per cent of dung is used as fuel in rural areas.
  • Of all the nutrients in manure and chemical fertilizer, only a portion is available to the plant.
  • High rainfall washes more animal manure off the land into watercourses.
  • Sometimes manure is spread over land without first being decomposed.
  • This can happen when apples drop to the ground in an orchard and land in deer droppings or livestock manure .
  • Ancient farmers discovered that plant yield could be increased on a plot of land by spreading animal manure throughout.
  • But a lot of community people are concerned with the effects of applying chicken manure to land.
  • Dig in some compost or well-rotted horse manure (fresh manure will damage the plants) and rake level, removing any large stones.
  • I'm not the best person, then, to answer a question from a gardener who wants to know what kind of manures and fertilisers I would recommend to the serious organic gardener.